This event claimed the lives of 146 people and forced companies to make working conditions safer.
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
This African-American activist believed that African Americans would gain rights through economic advancement creating a mutual respect between races.
Who is Booker T. Washington
This term was given to journalists who exposed corruption and social injustices during the Progressive Era. This term was first popularized by Teddy Roosevelt.
What is a muckraker?
This women’s organization supported Prohibition and sought to ban alcohol in the early 20th century.
The Progressive Movement aimed to regulate this powerful sector to prevent monopolies and corruption.
What is big business/ Industrial Revolution?
Name the President after Taft
What is Woodrow Wilson
This African American activist believed that African Americans had inalienable rights like the rest of society and demanded those rights be respected in full.
W.E.B. Dubois
This author of The Jungle exposed unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry, leading to food safety reforms.
Who is Upton Sinclair?
This amendment, ratified in 1920, granted women the right to vote.
What is the 19th amendment
This amendment changed the way U.S. Senators were elected, making the process more democratic.
What is the 17th Amendment? Direct election of Senators
Name the president after Teddy Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
This muckraker attempted to address child labor and assimilation in the immigrant community by developing settlement houses that offered social assistance to immigrant and low-income families.
This muckraker wrote The History of the Standard Oil Company to expose monopolistic business practices.
Who is Ida Tarbell?
The 18th Amendment which banned alcohol is referred to by this word that starts with the letter P
What is Prohibition
The recall, referendum, and initiative were Progressive reforms designed to do this.
Expand Democracy, Increase voter participation
The era that came after the Industrial Revolution/Gilded Age which attempted to reform the many issues that spawned from mass industrialization and free-market capitalism
The Progressive Era
This muckraker went after the racism and lynching efforts in the South to oppress the African-American community
Who is Ida B. Wells
Producer of McClure's Magazine, this news journalist gave muckrakers an outlet for their exposure stories.
Who is Lincoln Steffens?
Jane Addams founded this settlement house to aid immigrants and the working poor in Chicago.
What is the "Hull-House"
These two laws passed under Theodore Roosevelt, ensured that meat was processed under sanitary conditions and that medicine and food were accurately labeled before distibution.
Teddy Roosevelt's policy for relationships with other nations was called Big _____ diplomacy.
This African American activism organization was created to fight for the rights and liberties of African Americans in the United States
What is the NAACP?
Due to his exposure to tenement homes, this muckraker brought significant refomrs to the inner city homes of many low-class and immigrant populations.
What are the names of two key women who advocated and supported Woman's Suffrage
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
This amendment allowed for a federal income tax, shifting the tax burden more fairly.