The two (2) Progressive Presidents
Who are Theodore Roosevelt, Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson?
Reduced tariff rates for the first time since the Civil War.
What is the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913?
Roosevelt's slogan in 1904 election everyone deserves what
Square Deal
Immigrants came to America for (1 thing)
Land, freedom, opportunities, jobs
Richest man alive- owned Standard Oil
John D. Rockerfeller
Progressive Political/Government Reforms (at least 2)
What are secret ballot, initiative, referendum, recall, direct party primaries, and direct election of senators (17th Amendment), Child labor laws, food laws, Income tax (16th), womens suffrage (18th)?
These were formed to organize workers and bargain for more rights and pay.
What are unions?
Another term for cities
What is Urban?
Someone who wanted to change the system and increase government involvement to improve lives
Known for Dollar Diplomacy and being the true Trustbuster?
William Howard Taft
This allows the people to vote yes or no in a regular election to determine whether a law should be enacted or rejected
Teddy Roosevelt loved to hunt, so he encouraged the creation of what.
National Parks
First trust busted.
What is Northern Securities Company?
A company that owns other companies
What is a Monopoly?
Wrote 'The Jungle'
Upton Sinclair
Formed by Du Bois in 1909 to fight discrimination and fight legal battles on behalf of blacks
NAACP-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Legalized a federal income tax, which provided revenue by taxing individual earnings and corporate profits.
What is the Sixteenth Amendment?
The catalog the sold everything at the turn of the century.
Sears and Robuck
Teddy Roosevelt's square deal. (3 parts)
What is conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection?