Immigration Origins
Ellis & Angel Island
Nativist Reactions
Immigrant Life
Immigration Legacy

This European region, including Poland and Russia, sent the largest number of immigrants to the U.S. between 1890-1920

What is Eastern Europe?


This New York Harbor island processed over 12 million immigrants between 1892 and 1954.

What is Ellis Island?


This 1882 law was the first significant federal legislation to restrict immigration based on national origin.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


These densely populated urban neighborhoods housed many new immigrants of the same ethnicity.

What are ghettos?


This term describes the children of immigrants who often served as cultural and linguistic bridges between their parents and American society.

What is second generation?


This Asian country's immigrants primarily entered through Angel Island rather than Ellis Island.

What is China?


This medical exam at Ellis Island, where officials used buttonhooks to check for eye diseases, was feared by many immigrants.

What is the eye test (or Trachoma test)?


This 1917 law required immigrants to pass a literacy test and created an "Asiatic Barred Zone."

What is the Immigration Act of 1917?

This type of housing, often with no windows or ventilation, was common for immigrant families in urban areas.

What are tenements?


This New York neighborhood became the center of African American culture as Southern blacks migrated north during the same period as European immigration.

What is Harlem?


This Mediterranean island nation sent over 4 million immigrants to the U.S. between 1880-1920, more than any other country.

What is Italy?

Unlike Ellis Island's relatively quick processing, immigrants at this West Coast facility were typically detained for weeks or months.

What is Angel Island?


This nativist organization, revived in 1915, opposed Catholic and Jewish immigration and claimed to defend "100% Americanism."

What is the Ku Klux Klan?


This 1911 disaster killed 146 garment workers, mostly young immigrant women, and led to improved factory safety laws.

What is the triangle shirtwaist factory fire?


This labor organization, founded in 1905, welcomed unskilled immigrant workers when the AFL focused on skilled, native-born workers.

What are the Industrial Workers of the World?


This religious group fled persecution in Russia and Eastern Europe, making up about 2 million immigrants during the Progressive Era.

Who are Jews?


Economic factors, religious persecution, and political persecutions are what type of factors that led directly to immigration.

Push Factors


This 1924 law established national origin quotas that severely limited immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.

What is the National Origins act?


Houses, like Hull House in Chicago, provided education and social services to immigrant communities.

What are settlement houses?


This 1965 law finally abolished the national origins quota system established during the Progressive Era.

What is the Hart Cellar Act?


This empire's collapse after World War I led to immigration from multiple ethnic groups including Armenians, Greeks, and Syrians.

What is the Ottoman Empire?


This percentage of immigrants were rejected at Ellis Island, contrary to the popular belief that most were admitted.



This theory, popular among nativists, claimed that certain races and ethnic groups were biologically inferior.

What is social darwinism?


This process, encouraged by many Progressive reformers, aimed to transform immigrants into "proper Americans" by abandoning their native cultures.

What is Americanization?


This concept, developed by Progressive Era sociologist Robert Park, described how immigrant groups gradually integrate into the dominant society.

What is assmilation?