Industrialization 2
Immigration 2

A new method for making steel cheap and efficient process that greatly increased the rate of steel production; Increased production of steel – faster expansion of RR and construction of buildings/skyscrapers/bridges 

What is the Bessemer Process.


They came from Eastern and Southern Europe , Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Poland (Catholics/Jews)  In early 19th century - from N and W Europe (Protestants) to Ellis Island: (East Coast) in the New York Harbor located near the Statue of Liberty; reception center  for poor immigrants arriving by ship; 5+ hr long processing

Who are the New Immigrants.


unofficial and often corrupt entities that worked to keep a certain party or certain officials in political office; led by a “boss;” a reaction to the growth of urban areas and the need for more public money and greater role of government, giving more power to the government and causing intense campaigning

What are political machines


Machines, tools, and workers assemble products by having each perform a specific, successive operation on an incomplete unit as it passes by in a series of stages organized in a direct line.

What is the assembly line?


Americanization of immigrants; Americanization movement social campaign – taught immigrants citizenship skills (language, history, civics, cooking, social etiquette)

What is assimilation.


Invented by Thomas Edison, Factories and streetcars, eventually homes by the end of the 19th century (urban areas); early - mid 2oth century (rural areas like South Louisiana) 

What is electricity.


 political and religious freedom and independence, economic/job opportunities, abundant land 

What are pull factors.


the most notorious political machine boss, from New York; controlled politics and stole over $100 million ~ Exposed by Thomas Nast’s political cartoons!

Who is Boss William Tweed


Big business” - people working together for the purpose of production, purchase, or distribution for their joint benefit

What are corporations.


inner city areas where immigrants lived with those of same cultural background, heritage, language; perceived as disloyalty to native born Americans

What are ghettos


Invented the telephone and Increased communication

Who is Alexander Graham Bell.


population growth, agricultural changes, crop failures, Industrial Revolution, religious and political turmoil, escaping wars and political unrest 

What are push factors.


the corrupt political club/machine that was led by Boss Tweed and controlled New York City’s Democratic Party 

What is Tammany Hall

The merging of companies (competitors) that make similar products.

What is Horizontal Integration 


community centers in slum neighborhoods; provided education, cultural, and social support, medical aid; helped cultivate social responsibility for the urban poor; served as a launching pad for investigations into economic, political, and social conditions in the city of Chicago; reformers lived there too

What are settlement houses


Spurred industrial and economic growth by allowing producers to ship goods across the country cheaper, faster, and more efficiently; made it easier for people and businesses to settle and survive on the Western frontier

What is the expansion of railroads


Located in San Francisco Bay, California where Asians, primarily Chinese entered the US

What is Angel Island


made monopolies illegal by outlawing any combination of companies that restrained interstate trade or commerce

What is the Sherman Anti Trust Act


A company's taking over its suppliers and distributors and transportation systems to gain control over the quality and cost of its product.

What is Vertical Integration


multi-family one room urban dwellings occupied by immigrants; crowded, unsafe, and unsanitary

What are tenant houses.


Goods and products produced in large quantities mainly by machinery in factories. Result: Cheaper products and more people moved to urban areas to work in factories

What is mass production?


(East Coast) in the New York Harbor located near the Statue of Liberty

What is Ellis Island.


Strengthened the Sherman Anti-Trust Act; gave unions more power as it made strikes, peaceful picketing, and boycotts legal

What is the Clayton Anti Trust Act


Companies buy out companies in order to have exclusive CONTROL the market (commodities and/or services) by eliminating competition;  market condition that exists when there is only one seller - Leads to manipulation of prices!

What are monopolies 


Most famous settlement house

What is Hull House.