Social Reforms
Federal Reforms
Constitutional Amendments
Economic & Labor Reforms
This is the term used to describe women activists fighting for the right to vote
What is a suffragette?
The FDA (food and drug act) was created as a result of this federal legislation passed in 1906 & 1911.
What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?
This amendment was repealed by the 21st amendment.
What is the 18th Amendment.
The Sherman and Clayton _____ act's both regulated monopolies.
What is Antitrust?
These are the three progressive era presidents.
Who is Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft, and Theodore Roosevelt.
This woman founded the Hull House in Chicago, Illinois.
Who is Jane Addams?

This Act allowed the government to inspect livestock and slaughterhouses

Meat Inspection Act

Both Alice Paul & Carrie Chapman Catt were activists who were actively protesting for the passage of this amendment.
What is the 19th Amendment.
This president is sometimes known as the "trust buster"!
Who is Theodore Roosevelt.
This progressive era president ran for president twice, under two different political parties.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt.
This former slave founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to teach African Americans trades & skills necessary to earn a living as freedmen and women.
Who is Booker T Washington!
This act was a result of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle".
What is the Meat Inspection Act of 1906.
The progressive income tax was created by this amendment to the US Constitution.
What is the 16th Amendment.
This man was the first president of the American Federation of Labor.
Who is Samuel Gompers.
The National Parks Service was created under this progressive era president.
Who is Woodrow Wilson!
Who most likely is the speaker of the following quote: "Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have."
Who is Margaret Sanger?

This Act created the FTC which regulated businesses.

What is Federal Trade Act of 1914?

Prior to the 17th Amendment, this was how senators were elected to the US Senate.
What is by the state legislatures.

There were 5 labor unions were the major reformers of labor in the early 20th century. Name one

What is the AFL, Knights of Labor, American Railway Union, the International Ladies Garment Workers’ Union, and the International Workers of the World.

These two political organizations were at the forefront of fighting for women's suffrage.
What is the NAWSA and NWP (National American Women's Suffrage Association and National Women's Party).
Describe the following: 1) What the role of a muckraker was. 2) An example of a muckraker's published work (title, author, what it sought to reform).
What is one of many answers! Muckrakers - members of the press or journalists who sought to expose social problems in America at the turn of the century. Muckrakers include: Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Jacob Riis, etc.

Explain the purpose of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913

Answers may vary


These are the four progressive era amendments. Name 3.

What is the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th.


The Interstate Commerce Act said shipping prices for farmers and small businesses had to be __________

What is reasonable and just?

This is the definition of Social Darwinism. It relates to the progressive era because___________.
What is one of many answers!