This war was started in 1898 when the USS Maine exploded near Cuba and ended in the same year with the Treaty of Paris.
What is the Spanish American War.
This author aimed for the stomach with his expose "The Jungle."
Who is Upton Sinclair
This President (1901-1909) was known as the "Trust Buster" and brought a whole new personality to the Presidency, he also passed many progressive political and social laws.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt.
This amendment guaranteed the right for women to vote.
What is the nineteenth amendment.
This was the nickname for Roosevelt's party in the Election of 1912
What is Bull Moose Party.
This Assistant Secretary of the Navy ordered the US Pacific Fleet to sail into Manila Bay and take the Philippines.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt.
This Strike involved coal mine workers demanding better pay and hours and the bosses refusing. President Roosevelt would threaten Federal Seizer of the mines and an agreement was made.
What is Coal Strike of 1902.
This President (1913-1921) was a Progressive Democrat who saw 4 Amendments passed under his watch, and guided the nation through World War One.
Who is Woodrow Wilson.
This amendment established a federal income tax.
What is the sixteenth amendment.
This term refers to the saving of land for public use and was heavily supported by TR.
What is Conservation.
These islands were taken by the US following the Spanish-American War
What is Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and (sort of Cuba).
Muckrakers would use this primarily to influence society.
What is publishing articles and books.
This President (1897-1901) guided the nation through the Spanish-American War and was assassinated early into his second term in 1901.
Who is William McKinley.
This amendment prohibited alcohol.
What is the eighteenth amendment.
This term was used by Roosevelt when he campaigend on a platform of fairness.
What is a Square Deal.
These two amendments (in order) first supported Cuban Independence, and then opposed it.
What are the Teller Amendment and Platt Amendment.
This Act in 1906 ensured the safety of meat being sold in the US, and made sure the meat was slaughtered and processed in sanitary conditions.
What is the Meat Inspection Act.
This President (1909-1913) was Roosevelt's hand picked successor, and passed more trust busting laws than TR, BUT gave huge amounts of land to oil businesses, which angered TR and led to him running against this man.
Who is William Howard Taft.
This amendment established the direct election of U.S. Senators.
What is the seventeenth amendment.
These type of people were the main supporters of the Progressive Movement.
What is Urban, White, Middle Class.
This Pilipino Nationalist declared independence from the US and fought a War of Independence from 1899-1903.
Who is Emilio Aguinaldo.
This Act in 1906 prohibited the sale of contaminated food and drugs and established the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
What is the Pure Food and Drug Act.
This Foreign Policy passed under Roosevelt was made to be similar to the Monroe Doctrine but eventually allowed for US intervention in Central/South America.
What is the Roosevelt Corollary.
Progressive Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt both heavily supported this amendment.
What is the sixteenth amendment.
These goals were the THREE main goals of the Progressive movement.
What are Fight Trusts, Stomp Out Corruption, and Fight Social Injustice.