Progressive Era
Reformers (People)
Cause and Effect

The Progressive Era was started in response to:

What is the horrible conditions during the Gilded Age.

What is a Muckracker?
What is journalist that wanted to expose corruption and abuses in industry and goverment

This amendment gave women the right to vote.

What is the 19th Amendment

The Progressive Movement was primarily a response to problems created by
What is Industrailization

This was the nickname for my political party when William Howard Taft and I got into a fight and I decided to run as a third party. 

What is the Bull Moose Party?


All of the following were muckrakers Except:

Upton Sinclair, Andrew Carnegie, Jacob Riis, Jane Addams

What is a Andrew Carnegie

Who wrote the Jungle?
Who is Upton Sinclair

The 17th Amendment gave people more power in choosing which branch of government? The House, the Senate, or the President?

The Senate


In response to large numbers of vacant federal jobs and corruption this Commission was created?

What is The Civil Service Commission or the Pendleton Civil Service Act

What was the Square Deal?
What is a program proposed by Teddy Roosevelt that conserved natural resources, controlled corporate greed, and protected consumers.
If I believe that Alcoholic beverages are bad what movement am I a part of?
What is The Temperance Movement
I am best known for my photographs of people living in New York Cities poorest slums. Who am I
Who is Jacob Riis

Who Fought for causes that liberated women?


What is the purpose of the 16th Amendment?
What is to create a national income tax (to make up for lost revenue from tariffs)
What is this Quote Referring too? "In short, our aim should be , no to destroy, but effectively... to regulate and control in the public interest, the great instrumentalities of modern business....." TD, 1913
What is Trusts/Anti-Trust legislation
Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does the 16th, 17th,18th, and 19th Amendment define! Define All Four to answer correctly!!!!!!
I love to express my opinion using Political Cartoons! William Tweed was a favorite target of mine! Who am I?
Who is Thomas Nast

What was the Overall Goal of the Progressive Era

What is To give more power to the people

Outrage over the Jungle led to the passage of what legislation?
What is The Pure Food and Drug Act

In 1902, Teddy Roosevelt shocked the country by siding with workers during this labor strike.

What is the Coal Miner's Strike of 1902


The Third and final progressive president who expanded on all other presidents

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


This Muckraker was not afraid to fight the right and powerful John D. Rockefeller. How did she express her opinion and what did she conclude?

Who is Ida Tarbell

What is the difference between a Referendum and Initiative?
A Referendum allowed voters to put a bill on the ballot and vote it into law An Initiative gave voters the right to put a bill before a State Legislator
What was the cause of the Conservation movement during the Progressive Era?
What is the destruction of natural resources/protecting our natural resources

This law, passed in 1890, gave Teddy Roosevelt the power needed to break up monopolies.

What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act