Which amendment banned the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol?
18th Amendment
Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
19th Amendment
To change or improve
Upton Sinclair wrote which book about poor working and food conditions in the meatpacking industry?
The Jungle
The time period when alcohol was illegal to manufacture, transport, and sell was known as what?
What year was the 19th amendment passed?
Amount one is paid for their work
Lewis Hine's book How the Other Half Lives exposed which problem in society?
21st amendment
Name at least two women who were leaders of the women's suffrage movement
Susan B. Anthony
Alice Paul
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lucy Barnes
When dissatisfied workers band together to push for better working conditions and rights
The largest and most famous is the American Federation of Labor
Labor Unions
-Low wages
-Dangerous working conditions
-Child Labor
-Long hours
These are all examples of what?
Negative Effects on Industrialization
What was one reason women in particular pushed for laws that limited the consumption of alcohol?
Domestic violence
Men were spending too much time away from the family
Money was spent on alcohol rather than the family
Increased crime
True or False: Many states had granted women the right to vote before the 19th amendment was passed
Time period from 1890-1920 that focused on widespread improvement and reform in society, including child labor, working conditions, and voting rights
Progressive Movement
What was the name of the settlement house created by Jane Addams located in Chicago?
Hull House
Which group formed to push for laws restricting the sale and consumption of alcohol?
Women's Christian Temperance Union
What was a reason for the anti-suffragist movement? Or why did some women NOT want the right to vote?
Women's role in society would change
Women would become equal to men
Racial unrest
Journalist who exposes corruption and wrongdoing in society
Thomas Nast attempted to expose the political corruption done by who?
Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall political machine