The agency of human welfare, according to progressives.
What is the government?
The majority of progressive reformers.
Who are middle-class men and women?
The 3 C's of the Square Deal.
What is "corporation, consumer protection, and conservation"?
The belief that nature should be untouched by humans.
What is preservationism?
What is the Dollar Diplomacy?
Who is Jacob Riis?
The threat that progressives tried to hold off.
What is socialism?
The belief that the president had a responsibility to protect the welfare of the people.
What is the "Stewardship Theory"?
A well-known preservationist, he is considered "father of national parks".
Who is John Muir?
The "Mother of Trusts".
What are tariffs?
The philosophy that emphasized practical action and results over theory.
What is pragmatism?
The seventeenth amendment.
What is the direct election of senators?
The organization that investigates big businesses engaged in interstate commerce.
What is the Bureau of Corporations?
What is the Boy Scouts of America?
The name of the Secretary of Interior who replaced Garfield.
Who is Richard Ballinger?
The author of "The Treason of the State".
Who is David G. Phillips?
The belief that the government would be better run by expert technocrats.
What is Taylorism?
The policy that prohibited rebates.
What is the Elkins Act of 1906?
The sale of cheap, arid lands on the condition that the buyer irrigates the soil within 3 years.
What is the Desert Land Act?
The Supreme Court ruling that claimed not all businesses were bad, but only those trusts with unreasonable trade restraints.
What is the rule of reason?
A small group of financial institutions that dominated the U.S. economy.
The governor of the state known as the "laboratory of progressivism".
Who is Robert La Follete?
Authorization of banks to issue emergency currency.
What is the Aldrich-Vreeland Act?
The management of land or forests for more than one purpose.
What is multiple-use resource management?