a psychologist who believed in the scientific method
john dewy
teachers should formulate _________ to stimulate students
tough questions
students should ________ the methods
students may be in ___________ centers
students should be learning though the great books
He founded the progressive Abbotsholme School and believed in strong pedagogy
cecil reddie
teachers should devise multiple ____________ to get students to answer though questions
students should follow their own _______ to get the most out of their education
the teacher will be ___________ instead of sitting
interacting / moving around
activities are student driven and are based on humanities
german man who believed that kindergarten was the foundation of progressivism
friedrich froebel
lessons should spark ______________
students should be __________ to go into the world after school
students will be working on different __________
work / activities
are focused on mastery of subjects and are based on grades and set curriculum
italian man who took children off the street to teach them responsibility and let them learn what they wanted
John Melchior
teachers should be a __________ to their students
guide or mentor
should develop _________ qualities
small facilitated arguments between groups of students
meaning social experiences that are focused on effecting the world.
social reconstructionism
swiss educator who wanted to educated the poor in unique ways
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
should ___________ instead of sitting down
move around
multiple / more than one
activities will be __________ to the students interests
custom / different / unique
name the teacher focused and student focused philosophies
teacher- essentialiam /perennialism
student- progressivism / existentialism / reconstructionism