Person who fought for the humane treatment of the mentally ill and worked to reform hospitals.
Who was Dorothea Dix
A term for a journalist who dug up "dirt" on corruption.
What is a Muckraker?
A crowded group of apartments in cities that served poor people and were very dangerous.
What are tenements?
Person who wrote "The Jungle" which resulted in the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Who was Upton Sinclair?
An political movement that focused on improving problems in society.
What is Progressivism?
An organized structure of powerful people who try and control laws.
What are political machines?
Person who founded "Hull House" in Chicago to help immigrants.
Who was Jane Addams?
The right for a person to vote.
What is suffrage?
A business with a lot of smaller businesses under their control.
What is a corporation?
Journalist who documented the poor living conditions in cities and wrote "How the Other Half Lives".
Who was Jacob Riis?
Workers whose jobs are necessary for the public good.
What are essential personnel?
The personal opinion held by groups that only people born in the United States should be allowed to live in the U.S.
What is nativism?
Woman who wrote scathing articles exposing the corruption of Standard Oil Company and John D. Rockefeller.
Who was Ida Tarbell?
An effort to try to make things in society better.
What is reform?
A movement by the people to try and get a law passed without going through official law making bodies.
What is a referendum?