English 111 Syllabus
Essay Structure
Campus Resources

This is the percentage of your final Eng-111 grade that Project 1 is worth.

What is 15%?


These are restatements, synonyms, antonyms, pronouns, or other phrases that are deployed to stand in for something else. 

What is a referent?


The thesis statement is often found at this location in academic essays.

Where is the end of the introduction?


This campus location can assist with all stages of the writing process no matter the course, and is free to students.

What is the ILC or Writing TLC?


This is the percentage of your final Eng-111 grade that Project 2 is worth.

What is 20%?


These are phrases or entire sentences that help to guide a reader from one idea to the next.

What are transitions?


This part of your essay should not contain any new information relevant to the argument in your essay, but should instead offer a sense of discovery.

What is the conclusion?


This campus location is staffed by English professors, and can assist with all stages of the writing process.

What is the REAL center or English TLC?


This is the percentage of your final Eng-111 grade that Project 3 is worth.

What is 25%?


This sort of shift is exemplified in the following example:

The class participated in group work on which they were graded, but if you didn't assist your group you didn't receive credit. 

What is a Person shift?


In academic writing, the P.I.E acronym stands for this method of structuring paragraphs.

What is point, information, and explanation?


This is the amount of extra credit you receive for visiting either of the teaching and learning centers per project?

What are two points?

The late policy for the course accounts for this length of time as a "grace period" to turn in major assignments with minor deductions. 

What is a 24-hour period?

This sort of shift is exemplified in the following sentence:

Just as we had given up hope on the Braves, they win the second game of the double header against the Mets. 

What is a Tense shift?


These sentences usually appear at the beginning of paragraphs, and help to provide what the main idea or focus of that paragraph will be.  

What are topic sentences?


This campus location is a one-stop shop for resources like counseling, academic coaching, and career advising

What is the CARE center?