Má dlouhé světlé vlasy.
She´s got long fair hair.
modré tričko
černé kraťasy
a blue T-shirt
black shorts
Vstávám ve třičtvrtě na sedm.
I get up at quarter to seven.
Co teď dělají?
What are they doing now?
People __________ for the bus at the moment. (wait)
are waiting
Je malý, tlustý a plešatý.
He´s short, fat and bald.
růžové šaty
dlouhá sukně
bílé ponožky
a pink dress
a long skirt
white socks
Maminka nevaří večeři každý den.
Mum dosn´t cook the dinner every day.
Ona se nedívá na televizi, ale sprchuje se.
She isn´t watching TV but she´s having a shower.
Can you speak slowly? I __________ you. (not understand)
don´t understand
Ten chlapec nenosí brýle.
The boy doesn´t wear glasses.
oranžová kravata
hnědá bunda
nové pantofle
an oragne tie
a brown jacket
new slippers
Kolik stojí tyto kalhoty?
How much are these trousers?
Poslouchej. Ptáci zpívají.
Listen. The birds are singing.
__________ you __________ how to drive a car? (know)
do know
Můj děda má dlouhé vlnité vlasy a knírek.
My dad has got long wavy hair and a moustache.
Má na sobě šedou mikinu, modré džíny a bílé tenisky.
He´s wearing a grey sweatshirt, blue jeans and white trainers.
Jeho rodiče nechodí do práce o víkendu.
His parents don´t go to work at the weekend.
We __________ on holiday this summer. (not go)
aren´t going
David usually __________ in the evening (study) but tonight he __________ his friends at the cinema. (meet)
studies, is meeting
Ta příšera je opravdu ošklivá. Má tři červené oči a dlouhé chlupaté uši.
The monster is really scary. It has got three red eyes and long hairy ears.
Co nosíš do školy?
Odpověz na tuto otázku.
What are you wearing to school?
Student´s own answer.
Jak často opakuje na své hodiny?
How often does she revise for her lessons?
What´s funny? Why __________ you __________? (laugh)
are laughing
Why __________ you __________ my coat? (wear) Oh, I´m sorry. It __________ like mine! (look)
are wearing, looks