
True or False:

E-cigs don’t contain nicotine, so they are considered safer than regular cigarettes.

False. E-cigarette fluid does contain nicotine, the addictive chemical in cigarette and vaping products. 


True or False:

People CANNOT be addicted to Marijuana (weed).


When a user begins to feel that he or she needs to take the drug to cope with everyday life, that person is said to be dependent on the drug. Addicted users are physically, as well as mentally, dependent on marijuana, which means that they need more marijuana to experience the same effects they used to feel with less marijuana or that they have withdrawal symptoms (sleeping problems, agitation) if they stop using suddenly.


When you drink, what is affected? 

Your judgment, your coordination, or both?



True or False:

Most teens use drugs.

False! Less than 10% of 8th graders in the U.S. have used illicit drugs in the 30 days as of 2022.


In the state of Hawaii, how old do you have to be to purchase e-cigarettes', parts, and fluid (vapes)?

21 years old.


Name one consequence of smoking marijuana for a long time.

Addiction, dependence, loss of interest in activities except drug use; possible damage to lungs, immune system, and reproductive system; learning and memory problems, mental health issues, trouble with law enforcement, parents, employment, and school; increase risk of using other drugs.


How many drinks can you have and still drive safely?

None. Even one drink can put you at risk for an accident.


What does it mean to be "Addicted"?

You need it to feel normal.


What is the addictive chemical in traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes (vape)?



If you go to school “high,” there is a good possibility you will forget which of the following:

(a) your birth date

(b) the answers to a history test.

(c) Both.

(b) the answers to a history test.

Marijuana impairs short-term memory, therefore it is unlikely a user will forget his/her birthday.


List two ways that alcohol can hurt you.

Addiction, family problems, school problems, problem with friends, poor judgement and coordination, unable to cope with uncomfortable emotions, do things you might regret, Liver damage, nerve/brain damage, heart damage, stomach damage, and death.


True or False:

Even if it is the first time you try them, it is possible to die from sniffing inhalants.

True. Some ways that the body is harmed when toxic chemicals are inhaled are: heart stops, suffocation, liver damage, permanent brain damage.


Name three sources of pressure to vape, smoke or drink.

Answer: Parents/other family members, friends or peers, siblings, media, yourself.


How can smoking marijuana (weed) even just once harm you?

unsafe driving; accidents; doing things you might regret; feel anxious; feel panicky; lose control of your actions.


If you’re an alcoholic, who do you hurt (two examples)?

Yourself, your family, people at work or at school, friends.


Name two reasons why people use drugs.

Peer pressure, Belonging/acceptance, Escape problems, stress, Pleasure, Relaxation, Medical need, Curiosity/experimentation, Rebellion, Parents do it, Addiction.


How does smoking affect your athletic performance?

Reduces stamina, shortens breath


What can happen to people who smoke marijuana for a long time?

lose interest in things you once loved (school, grades, friends, family, hobbies, sports) except for getting high (stoned); problems at school, family, or law; money problems; problems with friends who don't smoke marijuana; addiction; lung damage; changes in the reproductive system. 


Why is using drugs or alcohol to cover feelings NOT a good way to cope with emotions. 

Answer: We don’t learn how to cope with the unwanted emotions without drugs. Covering feelings do not help us solve our problems, once the alcohol or drugs wear off, our problems are still there.


What are the three most commonly abused drugs by teens?

Answer: Nicotine, Marijuana (weed), and alcohol.