Rene Has 2 Last Names
Long Shot
The OK Book
The Day You Begin
Stand Tall Molly Lou

How did Rene stand up for his traditions and beliefs?

What is...

He added both of his last names to his name tag.  

He included both of his names in his family tree.

When introducing himself, he always shared both names even when he was known in school by one.


What is a spark?

What is...

Something you enjoy doing, but don’t have to be something you excel at.

Sparks can put you in the zone and make you feel relaxed.

Extrinsic-hobbies, sports, reading, etc.

Intrinsic-being with people, helping others, etc.

Not everyone knows their spark. Sparks can change over time.


What does it mean to "use the power of yet"?

What is...

The power of yet allows one to fail and then try again to build resiliency skills


Provide an example of inclusive behavior to promote a caring school campus?

What are...

Greet each other authentically • Create a safe environment • Resolve misunderstandings and disagreements immediately • Listen, listen, listen • Speak clearly, directly, and honestly • Speak your voice • Understand that we all have a contribution, so make sure all voices are heard • Ask others to share their ideas, thoughts, and experiences • Be brave


As in the book Simon's Hook, what is the theme of Stand Tall Molly Lou Mellon?

What is....

As in Simon’s Hook, they will learn that it is their reaction to the behaviors that is key. This lesson reinforces the message that students have power to control their own responses.


Why was Rene upset when the teacher called him by only one of his last names?

What is...

because in his cultural tradition both names are acknowledged and shared.  When the teacher was only using one it made him feel that half of his family had disappeared and respect was not fully shown to his family.


How does identifying your role models help you attain your goals?

What is...

provides an example/inspiration of someone to look up to or help you keep focused.


What is resiliency?

What is...

Resilience is an ability to bounce back, recover from adversity, or return to your original form.


What is the definition of a stereotype?

What is....

a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.


What does "you have the power to choose how you react" mean?

What is....

It means that you may not have control over the situation or what another person says or does BUT you do have control over how you respond to the situation or person.


What did Rene do to show why using both of his last names was important?

What is...

He created a family tree with both of his last names and shared details about family members from each side that made him who he was.  He shared music and dance with the class.


What is a spark champion?

What is....

peers, family, and others who give support.


Daily Double!!!!

List two of the seven building blocks of resilience.

What are...

Resilience is built upon seven building blocks: competence, confidence, support, positive values, contribution to others, coping strategies, and personal power.


How does diversity make us stronger?

What is...

Research has shown that children who are exposed to diverse and integrated settings are less likely to harbor stereotypes. In addition, as students tend to find more common ground when presented to people different from them, bucket dipping behaviors such as put-downs, namecalling, and hurtful teasing are reduced.


What is a fixed mindset?

What is...

In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are fixed. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success.


What is a friendship booster?

What is....

a simple way to be a friend or classmate like asking a person how their day was, smiling at someone, asking a person to eat lunch with you, etc.


Who is this quote from

I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game's winning shot—and missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Who is....

Michael Jordan


Demonstrate how you turn an I can't (reactive) attitude into an I can (positive) attitude?

What is....

Make statements/comments such as

I’ll try it. • I’ll do it. • I can do better if I try again. • I can’t do it YET. • Let’s look at all our options. • I choose to… • There’s got to be a way.


Name two ways you can show empathy to others?

What are...

Being present and not distracted when someone is talking with you about their feelings.

Asking someone if they are okay.



Daily Double!!!

What is a growth mindset?

Provide an example.

What is...

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication, adaptability, persistence and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishments.


What is the definition of digital citizen?

What is...

the definition of digital citizen is a person who chooses to act in a safe, responsible and respectful way online.

Name two of Chris Paul's spark champions?

Who are....

Papa Chilly


C J, his brother


Share one thing you will dare to try over the summer?

What is....

Student needs to share one thing they will dare to try over the summer.


In the book, illustrator Rafael Lopez, drew something throughout the book to help readers visualize the author's message of how we doubt ourselves and think we don't measure up.

What did he draw?

What is...

a ruler


Who said,“With great power comes great responsibility.”

Who is...
