Life Skills
Job Skills
All About PAES
Social Skills

Name 3 hygiene activities.

Washing hands, shower/bathing, brushing teeth, doing laundry, wearing clean clothes, flossing, etc.  


The first step in getting a new job.

Looking for job openings, submitting an application/resume.


Name the first step in the PAES work procedure job activities. 

Get a job card.


What are the three speeds of regulation used in ICE.

Fast / Slow / Just Right


What are the two common types of communication.

Verbal and non-verbal


List the 7 steps for proper hand washing.

1) Wet Hands

2) Use Soap

3) Wash for up to 30 Seconds

4) Rinse

5) Dry with Paper Towel

6) Use Paper Towel to Turn Off Tap

7) Paper Towel in the Garbage


What is your objective on a resume.

To gain more experience 

To acquire part time/full time work

To learn more about the industry 

To enter into the workforce

To utilize existing skills and gain new ones


How many module boxes does ICE have.



Name 5 regulation activities that can be utilized in the workplace. 

Take a break, cold/hot drink, gum, handheld fidget tools, snack/food, music, go for a walk, door jumps, wall pushed, hand pulls, alternative seating (if applicable), noise cancelling headphones (earplugs), anxiety jar on desk, etc.

Name 2 times for casual conversation with co-workers and 2 safe for work topics in the workplace. 

Before shifts begin, during breaks, after work, during down time if still completing tasks.

Weather, sports, TV, video games, books, media, shared interests and activities, following up on previous conversations, etc. 


The energy used to increase the temperature of 1 cup of water by 1 degree.

What is a calorie


Describe how you should manage this situation in the workplace. (you witness a co-worker steal money from the cash register) 

Confront the co-worker and say you witnessed them take money and ask them to put it back

Let your supervisor know what you witnessed


Describe the purpose or benefits of completing module boxes.

Gain work experience skills, follow directions given by employer, complete all steps as directed, hands on practice and experience, develop workplace communication skills (ask for help, support coworkers), etc.

Name 2 ways dysregulation can impact your work and 2 benefits of maintaining a regulated state. 

Dysregulation - loss of focus, decrease productivity, impact relationship with peers, less shifts, get fired, harder time learning the role, etc.

Regulated - be more professional, be more effective at work, be proud or content with self (ability to maintain personal needs), easier to communicate, peers will be more connected, more likely to be considered for promotions, etc.


When can an individual disclose an invisible disability. Explain.

Never (it is not mandatory)

In the cover letter

In the phone call to arrange interview

In the interview

Upon being hired

During orientation

Disclose to HR (or 3rd party) to share with employer

Anytime afterwards


Name 5 potential hazards found in a kitchen.

Fridge open, water on floor, dripping tap, water too full in sink, towel on stove, handle over burner, metal in microwave, knives left out, knives placed under water in sink, lack of communication, etc.


Name 3 character traits that a potential employer looks for. 

For 100 bonus points, name 3 of your own character traits that would be an asset to an employer. 

Punctual, reliable, independent, self-starter, effective communicator, asks for help when needed, polite, respectful, hard worker, available, team player, focused, task orientated, detail oriented, etc.


Name the 5 categories for module boxes in the PAES program. 

Business/Marketing, Processing/Production, Computer Technology, Construction/Industrial, Consumer/Service


Name 5 personal signs that you are dysregulated. 

Fidgeting, increase temperature, sweating, shutting down, heart rate, talking more or less, hard to focus, avoidance, hyper focus, holding breathe, breathing harder, more processing time, sensitive to noise or light, desire to leave space, etc.


Name 5 things that demonstrate positive social communication. 

eye contact, open body language, listening and talking is equal between people, not interrupting, asking questions based on what other person said, staying focused on speaker, avoiding distractions (looking around, looking at phone, etc), engaging in other persons interest (even if uninterested), watching for other persons responses/body language to gauge interest (are they interested in what you are talking about), etc.


Identify 3 main settings on a washing machine and 2 main settings/steps on a dryer to complete 1 load of laundry.

Washing Machine - Load size, water temperature, type of wash (delicate, heavy, regular), spin rate

Dryer - Lint trap, temperature settings, time, spin rate


Name 5 "tips" for a successful interview.

Dress for success, be there on time, let your personality shine, be confident, watch your body language, be professional, listen and ask for clarification if needed, let them know what you have to offer, think before you speak, don't linger. 


Outline all steps needed to complete a module box using the Get Ready, Do, Done (Get Done) model.

Get Ready - Get job card, get job box, get workbook, gather materials as specified by the job card, get pen/pencil

Do - Call for start time, follow instructions on job card until completed, call for stop time

Done - Call supervisor to grade, put away job card, put away module box, put away any remaining materials

Get Done - Desk is clear and I am ready to move on to next activity


Name the 8 senses discussed or mentioned during the OT presentation. (Facilitator may give hints!)

Visual, Sound, Touch/Tactile, Taste, Smell

Body Movements/Vestibular System, Body Awareness/Proprioception



Name 4 conversation skills (types of questions or comments) as discussed in the SLP presentation.

social greeting questions

questions to initiate an interaction 

follow up questions

baiting or bridging questions

supportive comments

add on comments

add a thought comments