Work Ethic Words
Paystub Vocabulary
Fixed or Variable Expenses
Soft Skills

When you are paying attention to what you are doing so that you perform the task correctly.

What is focused


The time frame for which you are being paid.

What is pay period


When you add or put money into your account.

What is deposit


Monthly electricity bill.

What is a variable expense


Alex works at a clothing store and greets customers with a friendly smile. When a customer asks for help finding a specific size, Alex listens carefully and responds clearly, offering to check the stockroom.  What soft skill(s) is Alex demonstrating?

What is communication, customer service, or active listening. 


When you work well with others.

What is teamwork


How much you earn for each HOUR you work.

What is hourly rate


Money you spend each month that is the same amount.

What is a fixed expense


Lisa owns her own business and often purchases office supplies that may include copy paper, ink cartridges, staples, envelopes, etc.

What is variable expense


Maria works at a fast food restaurant and helps a coworker refill the soda machine when she notices they are struggling. She also steps in to bag orders when the lunch rush gets busy.  What soft skill(s) is Maria demonstrating?

What is teamwork.


Things that you are able to do independently.

What are skills


Pay calculated before deductions.

What is gross pay


Purchases you make that are different amounts.

What are variable expenses


Mark has a $12.99 Netflix subscription that he pays every month.

What is fixed expense


Daniel works as a receptionist at an office. He arrives 10 minutes early, keeps his workspace organized, and answers phone calls professionally without needing reminders.  What soft skill(s) is Daniel demonstrating?

What is work ethic, time management, professionalism


Coming to work with clean clothes, body and engaging in age-appropriate behavior.

What is professionalism


Pay calculated after deductions.

What is net/take-home pay


When you take money out of your bank account.

What is withdrawl


Sarah has a $25 monthly subscription for a coffee delivery service.

What is a fixed expense


Jessica works in a warehouse and quickly learns how to use a new scanner system. When asked to help in a different section for the day, she adjusts without complaining.  What soft skill(s) is Jessica demonstrating?

What is adaptability


When you receive feedback from a supervisor designed to help you improve your work performance.

What is constructive criticism


The amount of money you earn per each year.

What is annual salary


The difference between essential and non-essential expenses.

What are essential are needs and non-essential are wants


Mark has a very busy social life and on the weekends he likes to get together with friends.  They usually go to the movies, bowling, out to eat and sometimes to concerts.  The money he spends on entertainment is what type of expense?

What is a variable expense


Chris works at a call center and receives a call from a frustrated customer about a missing order. Instead of panicking, Chris calmly looks up the order, apologizes for the delay, and offers a solution.  What soft skill(s) is Chris demonstrating?

What is customer service, communication