This is the code for a missing child.
Code Adam
Someone who learns by seeing.
Visual Learner
Listening, hearing and body language are examples of this skill.
The length of our program.
1 school year
This is the code for a fire.
Code Red
Someone who learns through facts of real life examples.
Reading & Writing
Working together to accomplish a goal is an example of this skill.
Skills that can be brought from internship to internship and from job to job.
Transferable skills
This is the code for a bomb scare.
Code Black
Someone who learns by hearing.
Auditory learner
Using critical thinking skills to find solutions is an example of this skill.
Problem Solving
The number of internships that students participate in throughout the year.
This is the code for an unruly patient or visitor.
Code White
Someone who learns by doing.
Kinesthetic learner
Planning how you are going to accomplish a task is part of this skill.
Personal Organization.
The name for the staff member that you are paired with in order to learn your job.
This is the code for a medical emergency.
Code Purple
When you share strategies about how you learn best you are ________ for yourself.
Tools (like a computer) that help make your job easier and quicker are a part of this skill.
The goal of Project SEARCH
Paid employment