Name 2 entry level job tasks at McDonald's
What is counter help, cashier, drive-thru window, cooking, keeping the lobby clean, etc.
Name a job you could do to help in the kitchen
What is wash the dishes, help prepare foods/desserts, put the clean dishes away, wipe out the refrigerator, bus the table, etc.
Tell me about yourself
Answer from each intern
Working together in order to achieve a group goal
What is teamwork
You want to take your mom to see a movie. Each ticket cost $7.50. You have $12.00. Is this in your budget?
What is NO
Name 2 entry level jobs at nursing facility
What is Housekeeping, Dietary Department, Activities Tech.
Name a job you could do to help in the bathroom
What is clean the tub/shower, toilet, sink, mirror, sweep, mop, etc.
What are your strengths?
Answers from each intern
Neat appearance, good attitude, ready to work, confident in your work.
What is professionalism
Your rent is due and you owe $350.00 to your landlord. You have $375.00. How much money do you have left?
What is $25.00
Name 2 entry-level job tasks at Publix
What are stocking, cashier, bagger, working in individual departments, etc
Name a job you could do to help outside
What is gardening, picking weeds, mowing the lawn, raking, wiping off patio furniture, etc.
What is your biggest weakness?
Answer from each intern?
When you are told you are doing something wrong and you fix it without getting upset
What is constructive criticism
What should we do when we receive our paycheck? Why?
What is save it so you can eventually move out and be independent.
Name 2 entry level jobs at Cobb Movie Theater
What is an usher, ticket seller, ticket collector, concession worker, cleaning, etc.
Name a job you could do in your bedroom
What is make the bed, change your linens, clean your closet, dust, vacuum/sweep, etc.
Do you have reliable transportation?
Answer from each intern
When you are faced with an issue at work, you try to figure out a solution on your own.
What is problem-solving
You go to Outback with your friends and you have a $20.00 bill. Your bill total before tip is $17.40. If you leave a $5.00 tip, do you have enough money?
What is NO
Name 2 entry level jobs at Halifax Health
Dietary Aide, Dietary Host, Dishwasher, Environmental, Patient Transport, Supply Processing Distribution, Receiving, Brooks Rehab Tech, Dining Room Tech, HIM,
Name a job you could to help in your living room
What is dust, vacuum, sweep, etc.
Do you have any questions for me?
Question from each intern
Doing the right thing, following the rules.
What is honesty, integrity, good work ethic
You go to the dollar store to buy some essentials. You choose 9 items and have $9.00 in your wallet. Do you have enough to buy these items? Why or why not?
No, because there will be tax on the items.