Pieces and Parts
Things We Know
What's your angle?
Practice Problems
Double points
Milo's Special

List the immediately known x values

In Pirates of the Caribbean, a cannon was fired at an enemy ship. The muzzle velocity was 60.0 m/s. At what angle above the horizontal must the cannon have been aimed in order to hit the enemy ship 320. m away?

change in x = 320 m

acceleration in x = 0 m/s/s


This variable is the only one that is the same for both x and y directions. 

What is time?


An object is launched at a velocity of 20 m/s in a direction making an angle of 25° upward with the horizontal. 

What are Vx and Vy? 

Vy = 8.45 m/s

Vx = 18.13 m/s


An astronaut on the planet Zircon tosses a rock horizontally with a speed of 6.95 m/s. The rock falls through a vertical distance of 1.4 meters and lands a horizontal distance of 8.75 meters from the astronaut. What is the acceleration of gravity on Zircon?

-1.76 m/s/s


The hypotenuse of a triangle with a height of 2 m and a length of 4 m

what is 4.47 m?


List all the immediately known y variables

In the movie Thelma and Louise, the two actresses drove off a cliff at the end. In preparation for the scene, their stunt doubles determined that the cliff was 50.0 m high.The director wants the car to land 90.0 m from the base of the cliff close to the camera location. How fast must the car be travelling in order to land at this location?

Change in y = 50 m

a = -9.8 m/s/s

v = 0 m/s


The acceleration of x when there is no engine or wings. 

What is 0?

Cosine is typically used to find the magnitude of this axis.

What is x?


A golf ball is struck with a five iron on ground level. It lands 92.2m away 4.3 seconds later. What was the angle and magnitude of the initial velocity?

30.03 m/s at 45 degrees

What fell on Issac Newton's head? 

An apple!


List the immediately known variables in the x directions for the following problem. 

In the movie Thelma and Louise, the two actresses drove off a cliff at the end. In preparation for the scene, their stunt doubles determined that the cliff was 50.0 m high.The director wants the car to land 90.0 m from the base of the cliff close to the camera location. How fast must the car be travelling in order to land at this location?

Change in x = 90.0 m 

acceleration x = 0 m/s/s


The acceleration of gravity. 

What - 9.8 m/s2


What is the magnitude of the angle when the X direction is 10 and the Y directions is 11? 

47.7 degrees


A projectile is fired from the ground with an initial velocity of 45 m/s at 53 degrees. How long will the projectile be in the air?



Solve this for t.

0 = 2t2 + 4t + 1

-0.29, -1.71


List all the variables available for this problem. 

A golf ball is struck with a five iron on ground level. It lands 92.2m away 4.3 seconds later. What was the angle and magnitude of the initial velocity.

change in x is 92.2 m

time is 4.3 s

change in y is 0

a of x is 0 

a of y is -9.8 m/s/s


The height of Mt.Washington.

What is 6,288 ft?


This is the best angle to achieve maximum displacement in the x direction

what is 45 degrees?


In the movie Thelma and Louise, the two actresses drove off a cliff at the end. In preparation for the scene, their stunt doubles determined that the cliff was 50.0 m high.The director wants the car to land 90.0 m from the base of the cliff close to the camera location. How fast must the car be travelling in order to land at this location?

28 m/s


What equation uses inital and final velocity, time and acceleration?

a = ( V final -  V inital) /t


What are the known variables?

A spear thrown at 30 m/s toward a bulls-eye directly in front of her. The spear takes .28 seconds to reach the target.

velocity of x = 30 m/s

velocity of y = 0 m/s

t = .28 s

a of x = 0 m/s/s

a of y = -9.8 m/s/s


The formula that starts with the change in displacement.

Change in Displacement = Vot + 1/2at2


Sine is typically used to find the magnitude on this axis. 

What is y?


In Pirates of the Caribbean, a cannon was fired at an enemy ship. The muzzle velocitywas 60.0 m/s. At what angle above the horizontal must the cannon have been aimed inorder to hit the enemy ship 320. m away?

30.3 or 59.5


What equation is based upon the change in displacement?

Change in y = v inital * t + 1/2 a t2