Time and Speed
Horizontal Projectiles
How Do You Do
A race car accelerates uniformly from 18.5 m/s to 46.1 m/s in 2.47 seconds. This is the acceleration of the car.
What is 11.14 m/s/s ?

You are on a train going 100 mph (relative to the ground) and see a plane in the air going in the same direction as you. The plane is going 150 mph (relative to the ground). This is how fast a person on the train sees the plane going.

What is 50 mph ?


These two vectors remain unchanged in the for the duration of any projectile's flight.

What is the horizontal velocity and acceleration?


How do you find the velocity using a position-time graph

What is slope (rise/run)?

This is the value for gravitational acceleration on Earth.
What is 9.8m/s^2?
Two objects of different masses will fall at the same rate toward earth UNLESS acted on by this force.
What is air resistance?

vx and vy are described as ____________ of the vector v.

What are components?

A diver running 1.6m/s dives out horizontally from the edge of a vertical cliff and reaches the water 3.0s later. This is the distance away from the cliff they landed.

What is 4.8 m?


How do you find average speed.

What is distance/time?


This is another term for the parabolic path of a projectile.

What is the trajectory of a projectile?

The variable that both the horizontal and vertical motion equations have in common.
What is time?

A steel ball rolls with constant velocity on a tabletop 0.950 m high. It rolls off and hits the ground 0.352 m from the edge of the table. This is how fast was the ball rolling.

What is 0.8 m/s?


A tiger leaps horizontally from a 12m high rock with a speed of 4.5 m/s. This is how far from the base of the rock will she land.

What is 7.2 m?


How do you find displacement on a velocity v time graph?

are under the curve


The linear or angular distance in a given direction between a body or point and a reference position.

What is displacement?

A curved line on a position-time or distance-time graph represents this.
What is acceleration?

A race car accelerates at a rate of 2 m/s/s uniformly from 18.5 m/s in 2.47 seconds. Determine the distance traveled.

What is 57.9 m?


A car traveling at a speed of 50 m/s drives straight off of a cliff. If the cliff is 40 m high, the distance away from the cliff that the car will land is this.

What is 143 meters?


How do you find horizontal velocity?

What is vx=x/t ?


This is the distance a projectile lands from its launch point.

What is range?

A bike accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 7.10 m/s over a distance of 35.4 m. Determine the acceleration of the bike.
What is 0.71 m/s/s ?

A stone is thrown horizontally at a speed of 5.0 m/s from the top of a cliff 78.4 m high. This is how it takes the stone to reach the bottom of the cliff.

What is 4 seconds?


A water balloon is launched horizontally at a height of 1.5 meters above the ground. Its launch speed is 30 m/s. The instant before the balloon hits the ground, its horizontal speed is this.

What is 30 m/s?


How do you find the height something fell from? 

What is y = 1/2gt2


This is a constant vector whose direction is always pointed downward on a projectile.

What is the acceleration of gravity?