Relative Velocity

How you symbolize the change in height.

What is delta y?


A plane is traveling 300 m/s East and encounters a headwind of 107 m/s West. What is the plane's resulting speed?

What is 193 m/s?

This is the shape of the path of all projectiles.
What is parabolic?
What is the initial vertical velocity of a horizontal projectile?
What is 0?

If a tennis ball takes 4.5 sec to reach its peak, how long does it take to reach the other player?

What is 9 s?


How do you symbolize the range of a projectile?

What is delta x?


Sally is rowing down a river at 7 m/s North and encounters a current that is 10 m/s North. What is her resulting speed?

What is 17 m/s?


An object is launched 25 m/s at an angle of 60 degrees relative to the ground. The horizontal component of velocity would be ...

What is 12.5m/s?


What is the acceleration of a projectile on Earth?

What is -9.8 m/s^2?


The initial horizontal velocity (vi in the x-direction) for a ball thrown horizontally off a cliff is 40 m/s. The ball stays in the air for 3 seconds. How far from the base of the cliff does it land?

What is 120 m?


Displacement refers to how far out of place an object is and it is the object's overall change in position. Is displacement a vector or scalar quantity?

What is vector?

John walks North 8 m, West 1 m, and South 8 m. What is his resulting displacement?
What is 1 m W?
This is the only force that acts on a projectile.
What is gravity?

Because motion in the x-direction and the y-direction are independent of one another, the amount of time a projectile is in the air depends on its _________ velocity.

What is vertical?


A physics student who is curious about the trajectory of a paint ball stands with his gun horizontally and fires it off. The paint ball leaves the gun from a height of 3.5 m and lands on the ground 36.0 m away. How long was the ball in the air?

What is 0.85 s?


If a person is running at a rate of 5mph North, is this a vector or scalar quantity?

What is vector?

A bird boat is traveling 10 m/s East and encountered a current that is 3.5 m/s North. What is its resultant velocity?
What is 10.6 m/s?

Set of equations that can be used to find y-direction values.

Kinematic Equations

Daily Double: Can you list all 4?


For a ball that’s shot at an angle, explain what happens to the vertical component of the initial velocity and of the acceleration throughout the flight.

What is velocity decreases (from positive to zero to negative and more negative). Acceleration remains the same.


A physics student who is curious about the trajectory of a paint ball stands with his gun horizontally and fires it off. The paint ball leaves the gun from a height of .75 m and lands on the ground 3.0 m away. What was the horizontal velocity?

What is 7.7 m/s?


This velocity is constant throughout the projectile's path.

What is horizontal velocity?

John walks in a straight line from point A to point B. Mary also walks from point A to point B, but her distance is 10 m more than Johns. True or false, May and John's displacement is the same?
What is true?

This is the equation we can use only in the x-direction, because there is no acceleration.

What is delta x = vix*t?

A baseball is thrown horizontally off of a cliff with an initial velocity of 80 m/s. A bowling ball is dropped from the same cliff at the same time. Which hits the ground first?
What is both?
A rock is kicked horizontally off a building with an initial velocity of 40 m/s. The rock falls for 5 seconds. Determine the height of the building.
What is 123 m?