Vector Concepts
Vector Problems
Projectile Motion Concepts
Projectile Motion Problems
When adding vectors, you should always draw them this way.
What is "head-to-tail"?
The minimum and maximum resultant when adding a 10 m/s vector and a 15 m/s vector.
What are 5 m/s and 25 m/s?
The vertical component of a projectile's motion is independent of this.
What is the horizontal component of its velocity?
A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a tall cliff. Neglecting air drag, what vertical distance has the ball fallen 5 seconds later?
What is 125 m?
Vector Resolution is the process of doing this.
What is breaking a vector into its horizontal and vertical components?
Find the total speed of the plane in the 100 point question of this category (500. km/h East, 100. km/h North).
What is 510 km/h?
What happens if you drop a ball from the same height at the same time as you throw another ball really hard horizontally?
They hit the ground at the same time.
A quarter is flicked off a platform at 2.1 m/s and lands 1.6 m away from the platform. How high is the platform?
What is 2.8 m?
Vectors that are at right angles to each other can be added using this famous formula.
What is Pythagorean Theorem?
The resultant of a 3 m vector and a 4 m vector at right angles to each other.
What is a 5 m vector?
In the absence of air resistance if you thrown a ball upward at a speed of 20 m/s, it will return to your hand at this speed.
What is 20 m/s (downward).
A baseball is thrown horizontally off a cliff 88 m high at 20. m/s. How far from the base of the cliff does the ball land?
What is 85 m?
The four vector quantities we have studied so far this year.
What are displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force?
Suppose a small plane can fly at 250 km/h relative to the surrounding air. Suppose also that there is a 70 km/h tailwind. How fast does the plane's shadow move across the ground? How fast would it move if it was a 70 km/h headwind instead?
What is 320 km/h? What is 180 km/h?
Draw the Free Body Diagram of a bullet after it has left the gun. Label all the forces completely, including type of force, object exerting the force, and object receiving the force.
What is Fg (Earth on bullet)?
Indiana Jones is trying to escape some angry cannibals, so he jumps in a river and begins swimming downstream. Indy knows there is a waterfall up ahead that is 45 m high and has rocks beneath that extend 45 m from the base of the waterfall. a) How fast must Indy be moving to fall safely in the water beyond the rocks? b) If the current is 11 m/s, how fast must Indy swim to make sure he makes it over the rocks?
What is 15 m/s and 4 m/s?
A plane is flying at 500 km/h East, when it encounters a 100 km/h North crosswind (a wind that blowing at a right angle to the plane's direction). Does the crosswind make the plane move faster, slower, or is the plane's speed unaffected?
The plane moves faster because of the crosswind. Not only is it moving East at 500 km/h, but it is ALSO moving North at 100 km/h.
A rowboat is rowed North across a river at 8.00 km/h while the current is flowing at 7.00 km/h East. What is the resulting speed of the rowboat? Draw a diagram to help you solve the problem.
What is 10.6 km/h?
Using the Free Body Diagram in the previous question, explain why the horizontal acceleration of a projectile is always 0.
There are no horizontal forces, so there is no horizontal acceleration.
A spy in a speed boat is being chased down a river by government officials in a faster craft. Just as the officials’ boat pulls up next to the spy’s boat, both boats reach the edge of 5.0 m waterfall. If the spy’s speed is 15 m/s and the officials’ speed is 26 m/s, how far apart will the two vessels be when they land below the waterfall?
What is 11 m?