Conceptual Questions
Finding the Time
Double Jeopardy

What is the acceleration of a projectile horizontally



Suppose a textbook was thrown out of a window with an Vo of 12 m/s and an angle of 20 degrees above horizontal. It leaves your hand 9 meters above the ground. How long does it take to get to max height?

0.42 seconds


What is the horizontal distance travelled for the following projectile?

V0=6 m/s

Theta= 50 degrees

time=2 seconds

7.71 meters


What is the V0y and V0x of a projectile with a V0 of 20m/s at an angle of 35 degrees

V0y = 11.47 m/s

 V0x = 16.38 m/s


What is the acceleration of a projectile vertically?



Suppose a textbook was thrown out of a window with an Vo of 12 m/s and an angle of 20 degrees above horizontal. It leaves your hand 9 meters above the ground. How long does it take to reach the ground?

1.84 seconds


You are going to install an in ground pool and you want to be able to jump from your deck to the pool. The top of the railing is 4 meters above the ground. You can jump at a speed of 5 m/s. What is the furthest distance away that you could put the edge of the pool?



What is the overall speed of the following object at 2 seconds:

V0= 7 m/s

Theta= 25 degrees

19.79 m/s


How does the horizontal velocity at any point compared to the initial horizontal velocity

they are the same


How long does it take the following projectile to get to a height of 3 meters?

Y0=12 m

Vo= 12 m/s

Theta= 12 degrees

1.63 seconds


A projectile is launched from the ground to the top of a cliff which is 195 meters away horizontally and 155 meters high. The object lands 7.6 seconds after it is fired. Is it at maximum height when it lands on the cliff?

t to max height = 5.88s so it is not at max height


What is the Vof an object at 4 meters high with the following information?


Theta=35 degrees

7.29 m/s


What is an object's vertical velocity when it is at the top of it's flight



You are going to install an in ground pool and you want to be able to jump from your deck to the pool. The top of the railing is 4 meters above the ground. You can jump at a speed of 5 m/s. How long will it take you to get to the edge of the pool?

t=1.19 seconds


The pilot of an airplane is dropping supplies. The plane is travelling horizontally at a height of 160 m above the ground. It has an initial speed of 44.4 m/s. How far away horizontally should the plane be from where the supplies need to land?



Suppose a textbook was thrown out of a window with an Vo of 12 m/s and an angle of 20 degrees above horizontal. It leaves your hand 9 meters above the ground. What is the textbooks overall speed 1.4 seconds into the flight?

v=14.8 m/s


What is the object's overall speed when at the top of it's flight

It is equal to the initial speed in the horizontal direction


The pilot of an airplane is dropping supplies. The plane is travelling horizontally at a height of 160 m above the ground. It has an initial speed of 44.4 m/s. How long will the supplies be in the air?



A ball is thrown with the information below. How long does it take to reach a height of of 5 meters? Why are there two times? How far does it travel horizontally at each of those times?

V0=15 m/s

Theta= 60 degrees

Y0= 0

t1=0.467 s





A projectile is launched from the ground to the top of a cliff which is 195 meters away horizontally and 155 meters high. If the object lands 7.6 seconds after it is fired, what is it's initial speed?

63.1 m/s


A trebuchet was a hurling machine built to attack the walls of a castle. Say one of them hurls large stones with a speed of 28 m/s, at 400 above horizontal. If it connects with the wall when it is halfway down from its maximum height, how fast is it moving at that moment?

v = 24.94 m/s