Vector Concepts
Rules of Projectiles
Angle Questions
Projectiles? Yes or No
The vector of acceleration always points this way in the y-direction.
What is downward
What is the time it takes an object that is dropped to fall from a height of 100 m?
What is 3.19 seconds?
I throw a ball upwards at 5 m/s, it will come down at this speed.
What is 5 m/s.
Gravity only affects this component of a projectiles motion.
What is the y-direction.
A ball rolling down a hill.
What is NO!
The horizontal acceleration of a projectile remains at this value.
What is zero.
An object is shot out of a cannon at an angle of 45 degrees, and a speed of 20 m/s. These are the x and y components of its velocity.
What is x=14.14 m/s and y=14.14 m/s
The acceleration in the y-direction is always equal to this value.
What is -9.8 m/s^2
This is the variable that the x and y directions will always share in common.
What is time
A flower pot that falls from a balcony.
What is YES!
The velocity of a projectile in the x-direction remains this.
What is constant.
A cannonball is shot from a height of 124 meters with a horizontal speed of 44.2 m/s. What distance (in meters) from the edge of the cliff must a bucket be placed in order for the cannonball to land in the bucket?
What is 157.22 m.
This is the angle for a projectile that will make sure it has the largest range.
What is 45 degrees?
This is the x-component of an object's velocity if it is shot out a cannon at 45 m/s, on an angle of 30 degrees.
What is 38.97 m/s.
A human cannonball that is shot at the circus.
What is YES!
The direction for vectors that we say are horiztonal are in this direction.
What is the x-direction.
An object is launched at an angle of 50 degrees, at a speed of 15 m/s. The time it is in the air is:
What is 2.34 seconds?
Ball is thrown into the air, and at the top of it's path, we can describe its velocity as this.
What is the y-velocity is zero, and the x-velocity is remaining constant.
This is the y-component of an object's velocity if it is shot out a cannon at 45 m/s, on an angle of 30 degrees.
What is 22.5 m/s.
A phone slid across a table.
What is NO!
The velocity in the y-direction of a projectile is always this number at its highest point.
What is 0 m/s
An object rolls of a table, that is 1.3 m tall, at a speed of 15 m/s. This is how far the ball lands away from the edge of the table.
What is 5.46 m?
An object takes 3 seconds to reach the highest point of its trajectory. This is the total time that this projectile is in the air.
What is 6 seconds.
If an object is launched at this angle, it will reach the highest point possible.
What is 90 degrees (straight up).
A cow that is tipped in the middle of a field by a couple of bored teenagers.
No, but it is pretty funny to watch.