The decade in which the TAT was created.
What is the 1930s?
With the exception of these two (2) patient types, clients taking the TAT should sit with their backs facing the examiner.
What are psychotic patients and young children?
Dr. Murray developed a TAT scoring system based on individual motivations and desires known as "NEEDS" and environmental forces known as this.
What is "PRESS."
Card 3BM shows an individual huddled with an ambiguous object on the floor next to them. If a client perceives the object as a gun, this could represent ___.
Suicidal or homicidal ideation.
The four (4) phases of TAT card creation
What is Series-A, Series-B, Series-C and Series-D?
What is Form A?
Two major criticisms of the main TAT scoring systems.
What are (1) they are too time-consuming and (2) not very reliable because they are subject to clinicians' interpretation?
Of idiographic or nomothetic, which type of interpretation does the TAT better lend itself to?
The TAT cards were no longer revised reportedly because of this event.
What is WWII?
The TAT "stories" told by the clients must convey what (1) led up to what is happening; (2) is happening currently (3) characters are feeling/or thinking, and (4) This.
What is: (4) the outcome?
This TAT scoring system is derived from Object Relations and Social Cognition theories.
What is the SCORS (Social Cognition and Object Relations, Westen, 1990) system?
Tell-Me-A-story (TEMAS) and Contemporary Themes Concerning Blacks (C-CTB)Test are projective tests which were designed to overcome this limitation of the TAT?
Racial, ethnic and cultural biases in administration, scoring and interpretation.
Magazines, Newspapers/Periodicals, Drawings, Museum Paintings
What are sources of TAT card pictures?
According to Murray, an average adult is expected to tell a story containing this number of words.
What is 350?
This TAT scoring system is known as the Defense Mechanism Manual (DMM, Cramer et al., 1996), and centers around these three defenses.
What are Denial, Projection, and Identification?
Response to Card 3GF: "This woman just heard a joke and is laughing. She's feeling good and jovial; in a few hours she will stop laughing and go make dinner." The defense mechanism according to the DMM scoring system:
The inventor of the TAT
Who was Henry Murray?
Of Cards 3BM, 10, 12M, 7GF, 13BG, which is suitable for any age and gender?
What is Card 10.
The Personal Problem-Solving System-Revised (PPSS-R, Ronan, et al., 1985) was developed on the notion that:
What is: Problem-solving ability was reflective of psychological health.
This remains the most common approach to interpreting TAT responses.
What is: Looking for themes in responses and relying on supporting data from interviews, other objective and projective tests?