Church Facts
You guys!
The Servants!

What city is St.Abanoub from?



What was the theme of the retreat with bright yellow hoodies?

"Let Him be crucified"


One servant is terrified of heights... who is it?

Mary K


In the icon (on the men's side of our church) of Anba Antonious & Anba Athanasios, what is St.Antonious gifting to Anba Athanasios?

A Tunic


1. What is St. that we use to commemorate the service where we go to feed the homeless?

2. What is our most common location to feed the homeless?

1. Anba Abram

2. Penn Station


1. Which female servant doesn't know how to ride a bike?

2. Which male servants don't know how to swim? (2)

1. Nardeen

2. Joe & Koko


What were Abouna Antonious' & Abouna Youseff's careers before the priesthood?

Abouna Antonious - IT.

Abouna Youseff- DR.


1. What colors were assigned to each grade level for the BOTC?

2. What was the design on the shirt?

1. Red- Freshman, Blue- Sophomore, Green- Juniors, Pink- Seniors

2. Half Lamb & Half Lion Symbol


Who spent their free time in college knitting?



What is the full date for when the church was consecrated?

September 30, 2018


What was the location of each year of Sunday school in high school?

freshman- big church crying room

sophomore- pure heart

junior & senior- small church


What are Sylvia, Marco, John, Mark, Mina Morcos' careers? (must answer all)

Sylvia & Marco - Dentists

John - Engineer

Mark- Lawyer

Mina Morcos- Pilot, Engineer, videographer, home owner, Beyonce (any answer works)


What were Abouna Antonious' & Abouna Youseff's names before the priesthood?

Abouna Antonious - Emad

Abouna Youseff- Peter


Which high school servants served you also in elementary/ middle school?

(Specifically in Sunday School)

Marco, John, Marina Saleeb, Mina Morcos, Mariez


Which servant did this extracurricular (sports) in high school?

Match it.

The servants: Mirna, Nardeen, Mena S, Mina M, Joe, Verona, Mark, John Mank

Extracurricular: Basketball, Swimming, Swimming, Volleyball, Wrestling, Wrestling, Volleyball, Tennis

Mena- Volleyball 

Mina- Volleyball

Mirna- Basketball

Nardeen- Swimming

Verona- Swimming

Mark - Wrestling

Joe- Wrestling/Basketball

John Mank- Tennis