What is the Definition of Physical Activity?
physical activity is movement of the body caused by skeletal muscle contractions.
Correct: 10 jumping jacks
Incorrect: 10 push-ups
In order to achieve substantial health benefits, a person should undertake __ minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity.
150 minutes
Correct: 10 air squats
Incorrect: 10 lunges
List 2 examples of community-wide campaign activities
Walk-to-school events, walking groups, parks and reaction physical activity events, health risk appraisals and physical activity conseling or prescriptions, media campaign, transportation plan for biking and walking, and walking and biking train development.
Correct: 10 mountain climbers Incorrect: 5 burpees
List 3 of the 5 types of school’s physical activity programming
Recess (elementary and middle schools), intra-mural sports, interscholastic sports, active transport to school initiatives (e.g., walk to school programs), and recreation opportunities for all students.
Correct: 10 sit-up Incorrect: 10 flutter kicks
What are the 4 types of exercise?
Aerobic, strength, flexibility and balance
Correct: 20 sec wall sit Incorrect: 20 second plank
What is Aerobic Capacity?
Fitness measure of maximal ability to perform aerobic work.
Correct: 20 jumping jacks
Incorrect: 20 push-ups
How many minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity does an individual need to see substantial health benefits?
75 minutes
Correct: 20 air squats
Incorrect: 20 lunges
What is the key to building and implementing a successful community-wide campaign?
To select a multicomponent approach using a variety of methods to reach community members, engage a wide variety of organizations, plan carefully, and build the campaign in ways that can be evaluated and sustained
Correct: 20 mountain climbers Incorrect: 10 burpees
What does SPARK stand for and what does it require?
SPARK (Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids) intervention required that physical education classes last 30 minutes and be held three times per week throughout the school year.
Correct: 20 sit-up Incorrect: 20 flutter kicks
What is cardiorespiratory fitness?
Ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained physical activity. Cardiorespiratory fitness is one of the five health-related components of physical fitness.
Correct: 30 sec wall sit Incorrect: 30 second plank
Does light-intensity Aerobic Activity Provide Substantial Health Benefits?
Correct: 30 jumping jacks
Incorrect: 30 push-ups
List 3 benefits of completing muscle-strengthening activities?
Enhance skeletal muscle mass, strength, power, and neuromuscular activation
Correct: 30 air squats
Incorrect: 30 lunges
Name 3 of the 7 characteristics of community-wide campaigns
Mass media, Multiple components (variety of methods), multiple settings, individual-level and community-level strategies, high visibility, plan for sustainability
Correct: 30 mountain climbers Incorrect: 15 burpees
What is muscular endurance?
Is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to perform repetitive contractions against a force for an extended period of time. The greater your muscular endurance the higher number of repetitions you could complete.
Correct: 30 sit-up Incorrect: 30 flutter kicks
List 4 Moderate-Intensity Activities
Walking at 3.0 to 4.5 miles per hour, bicycling on level terrain at 5 to 9 miles per hour, performing yoga, participating in recreational dancing, such as square dancing, walking a golf course, playing badminton, participating in recreational swimming, kayaking on calm water
Correct: 40 sec wall sit Incorrect: 40 second plank
List 3 light-intensity activities
Walking at less than 3 miles per hour, Bicycling less than 5 miles per hour, performing stretching exercises, playing golf at a driving range, participating in lawn bowling, playing horseshoes riding a horse at the horse’s walking pace, performing light housework.
Correct: 40 Jumping Jacks
Incorrect: 40 Push-ups
Name 5 substantial health benefits when meeting the minimal aerobic guideline goal for moderate-intensity physical activity every week
Lower risk of premature death, coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and depression.
Correct: 40 air squats
Incorrect: 40 lunges
Define community-wide campaign.
A community-wide campaign is a concentrated effort to promote physical activity using a variety of methods delivered in multiple settings.
Correct: 40 mountain climbers Incorrect: 20 burpees
What is CATCH?
Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) intervention required schools to complete contracts for participation, and part of the contract agreement was the provision of at least 90 minutes of CATCH physical education per week, delivered over at least 3 school days
Correct: 40 sit-up Incorrect: 40 flutter kicks
What is the minimum time required per workout session to received health benefits?
10 minutes or longer
Correct: 50 sec wall sit Incorrect: 50 second plank
List 4 Vigorous-intensity Activities
Racewalking, jogging and running, bicycling at 10 miles per hour or higher or bicycling uphill, jumping rope, playing most competitive sports, swimming steady, paced laps, participating in whitewater kayaking, shoveling heavy snow.
Correct: 50 Jumping Jacks
Incorrect: 50 Push-ups
What are the physical activity guidelines of individuals with disibilities?
Adults with disabilities should avoid physical inactivity and be as physically active as their abilities safely allow
Correct: 50 air squats
Incorrect: 50 lunges
List 6 examples of potential partners for community-wide campaigns
Local and state public health agencies, transportation departments, local and state government, schools and colleges, parks and recreation agencies, media: print, radio, and television, service organizations, nonprofit organizations: health, social, and environmental, faith-based organizations, professional associations, chambers of commerce, business and industry, hospital-based wellness programs
Correct: 50 mountain climbers Incorrect: 25 burpees
List 6 of the 8 components of the CSHP model
(1) physical education; (2) health education; (3) nutrition services; (4) health services; (5) healthy school environment; (6) counseling, psychological, and social services; (7) health promo-tion for staff; and (8) family and community involvement.
Correct: 50 sit-up Incorrect: 50 flutter kicks
What is pilot test?
Also known as piloting or a pilot study, a set of procedures used by planners and evaluators to try out various processes during program development on a small group of subjects before implementation with the purpose of identifying and, if necessary, correcting problems before implementation.
Correct: 60 sec wall sit Incorrect: 60 second plank