Correct the Agreement Errors
Name the Pronoun and the Antecedent
Correct the Vague Pronoun Reference
The students fell asleep during her longest class.
What is: Students fell asleep during their longest class.
Pebbles carried her bone outside.
What is: Her--pronoun; Pebbles--antecedent
Ryan and Charlie saw his best friend at the restaurant.
What is: *His should be Ryan's, Charlie's or their.
A word that takes the place of a noun
What is a pronoun?
Name the pronoun. The teachers will not give anyone the correct answers for the assignment.
What is anyone?
Michael stopped playing video games when their parents grounded him.
What is: Michael stopped playing video games when his parents grounded him.
Mr. Keller took his car to the garage.
What is: his--pronoun; Mr. Keller--antecedent
Mr. Stanley and Mr. Jacoby worked on his construction project all afternoon
What is: *His should be changed to Mr. Stanley's, Mr. Jacoby's, or their.
The word the pronoun takes the place of
What is an antecedent?
Name the antecedent. Nina took the gloves and gave them to their owner.
What is the word gloves?
The manager fired all their employees because they were texting during their shifts.
What is: The manager fired all his employees because they were texting during their shifts.
The audience was thrilled by the singer and his performance.
What is: his--pronoun; singer--antecedent
They say that the amusement park will close early this year.
What is: They is vague. The writer must specify exactly who said those words.
Pronouns such as everyone, everybody, anyone, and anything
What are indefinite pronouns?
Correct the error. My family hates swimming in the ocean because you never know when you'll get stung by a jellyfish or attacked by a shark.
What is change you to they and you'll to they'll?
Many countries send its athletes to participate in the Olympics.
What is: Many countries send their athletes to participate in the Olympics.
Hawaii is Alyssa's favorite state to visit, but she also enjoys Colorado and with its diverse landscapes.
What is: she--pronoun; Alyssa--antecedent its--pronoun; Colorado--antecedent
I'm not sure which answer is correct, but it says that I should just use strategies to guess if I don't know.
What is: It is vague. The write must specify exactly what it is.
A pronoun error that happens when the pronoun does not match with its antecedent
What is a pronoun agreement error?
Correct the following: Me and Dena won the contest, but we gave our trophy to Max and he.
What is Dena and I won the contest, but we gave our trophy to Max and him?
Everyone is in their classroom and is ready to take their tests, except for one student who didn't study their notes last night.
What is: Everyone is in his or her classroom and is ready to take his or her tests, except for one student who didn't study his or her notes last night.
Lana and Troy watched a horror movie at their local theater, but they left early because the movie was too scary, and they thought it would give them nightmares.
What is: their, they, them--pronouns; Lana, Troy--antecedents it--pronoun; movie--antecedent
I never won anything in my life, but they say that if I keep trying my hardest, the odds will be in my favor, and I most likely will find success. Sometimes, however, I'm not sure if I believe it.
What is: They is vague; who specifically said those words. it is vague. The writer must specify exactly what it refers to.
This happens when a pronoun does not clearly connect to its antecedent
What is vague pronoun reference?
Correct the following: Louisa and Becky took her hamster for a walk, and then they took her kitten for a walk, but it refused to go more than a few blocks.
What is: Louisa and Becky took Becky's hamster for a walk, and then they took Louisa's kitten for a walk, but both animals refused to go more than a few blocks. (may vary, but all vague references must be fixed)