Nominative Case:
Possessive Case:
Objective Case:
Problem Cases:
Name the Case:
Ashley finished the 60-item English test in 30 minutes. I envied my friend's intelligence and wished to be as smart as _____. A. she B. her C. herself
What is she?
I've shown you my A+ essay; now let's see ________. A. your's B. yours' C. yours
What is yours?
Just between you and _______, this is the most exciting moment in my life! I'm finally getting baptised. A. I B. me
What is me?
________ did the teacher appoint as a hall monitor? A. Who B. Whom
What is whom?
THEY promised to be here in time for lunch. A. nominative case B. possessive case C. objective case D. special case
What is nominative case?
So that we are not late fo school, my _____________ left our home early. A. sister and I B. sister and me
What is sister and I?
His confidence needs to be improved. He always _________. A. hisself B. his self C. himself
What is himself?
As Louise handed me a gift, she said that someone had invited ______ to my birthday party. A. she B. her C. herself
What is her?
At the end of the month the boss paid Tim more than _______. A. I B. me
What is me?
Gail has misplaced HER keys again. A. nominative case B. possessive case C. objective case
What is possessive case?
The teachers are worried that _______ students do not put enough effort into our studies. A. us B. we
What is we?
Simone and Sarah are both trying to eat healthier. In the lunch group, we always now which snacks are _________ . A. theirs B. theirs' C. their's
What is theirs?
Today an elderly gentleman kindly returned my wallet to me. I have never seen _________ before. A. he B. him C. himself
What is him?
Those are the actors ________ the director will audition. A. who B. whom
What is whom?
The Jackson's took the dog with THEM on vacation. A. nominative case B. possessive case C. objective case
What is objective case?
Preston ran the 100-meter dash so fast that the coaches smiled at the stop watch. I admired my friend's speed but hoped that I was even faster than _________. A. he B. him C. himself
What is he?
Jeremy fell asleep in class where ______ snoring distracted us from the lesson and caused us to erupt in laughter. A. him B. his
What is his?
It is up to _______ student leaders to ensure that our the student body demonstrates the Immaculate spirit. A. we B. us
What is us?
I did not make the Pop Band because Daniel sings better than _____. A. I B. me C. myself
What is I?
Mr. Parker is the one WHOM I came to see. A. nominative case B. possessive case C. objective case
What is objective case
The Chambers and ________ cannot seem to agree on the boundaries for the land. A. they B. them
What is they?
I really do not appreciate ________ walking into class late every morning. A. your B. you
What is your?
The principal made Gabrielle and _______ clean up the auditorium as our punishment for disturbing the meeting with our continuously loud outbursts. A. I B. me
What is me?
The police spoke to a passersby _________ had witnessed the accident. A. who B. whom
What is who?
The coach helped him more than (he helped) ME. A. nominative case B. possessive case C. objective case
What is objective case?