A single Pronoun that refers to a single woman.
What is she?
This Object Pronoun completes the following song lyrics.
''Happy birthday too ____.''
What is you?
Chose the correct Pronoun.
That is theirs/their ice cream.
What is their?
A Possessive Pronoun Adjective acts as what part of speech?
What is an Adjective?
The Object that comes after the Action Verb.
What is Direct Object?
The Subject Pronouns that refer to many people.
What is we,they?
Their are how many Object Pronouns.
What is seven?
These two Possessive Pronouns that refer to many people.
What is ours and theirs?
A Possessive Pronoun does not use a.
What is apostrophe?
The Subject that follows a preposition.
What is Object of the Preposition?
The Subject Pronouns job is.
What is to replace the job of the Subject Noun?
Find the Object Pronoun in the sentence below.
I went to the movies with them.
What is them?
Possessive Pronouns are found in what part of the sentence?
What is the Predicate?
A Pronoun that completes the following phrase is?
It's ___ way or the highway.
What is my?
The job of the Direct Object is.
What is the Noun the preforms the actions?
The job of the Antecedent is.
What is the Noun that the Pronoun replaces?
An Object Pronoun follows what parts of speech.
What are Action verb and Preposition?
The Possessive Pronoun comes after.
What is Linking Verb?
The two jobs of an Possessive Pronoun Adjective.
What is to show ownership and acts like an Adjective?
Direct Objects and Object of the Preposition can be used as what Pronoun.
What are Object Pronouns?
Identify the Subject Pronoun in the sentence below.
I'm going to fix my phone ,for it is broken.
What is it?
Identify the Object Pronoun in the following sentence.
As we were gazing over at Jerry he saw us looking at us.
What is us?
Identify the Possessive Pronouns In the sentence below.
When your done give it back for, it is not mine it is hers.
What is hers,mine?
Possessive Pronoun Adjectives come before.
What is a Noun?
Identify the Objects in the following sentence.
Mrs.Guthrie allowed us to devour our candy in class.
What are candy and class?