Dangerous pronunciations
B vs V
TH sounds
-ed endings
Silent Letters

Pronounce the word correctly to get the points!


Be careful! Mispronouncing this word may insult the other person!

Its phonetic transcription is: 



Pronounce these words correctly to get the points

Berry ------ Very

Great job!

The phonetic transcription of these two is

ˈbɛri ----- ˈvɛri


Pronounce this word correctly and get the points


Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is



Pronounce this word correctly and get the points!

Accept --- Accepted

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

ækˈsɛpt --- ækˈsɛptɪd


Pronounce the word with correct pronunciation and get the points!


Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is



Pronounce this word correctly to get the points


Be careful! Mispronouncing this may be a bit embarrasing!

its phonetic transcription is:



Read this sentence with good pronunciation to get the points

I love to rove the Balkans. 

Great job!

The phonetic transcription for this sentence is 

aɪ lʌv tu roʊv ðə ˈbɔlkənz


Pronounce this sentence with good pronunciation and get the points

It is either together or nothing

Great job!

The phonetic transcription is:

ɪt ɪz ˈiðər təˈɡɛðər ɔr ˈnʌθɪŋ


Pronounce this sentence with correct pronunciation and get the points

We agreed to do this.

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

wi əˈɡrid tu du ðɪs.


Pronounce the sentence with correct pronunciation to get the points!

Your knowledge definitely aligns to our project.

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

jɔr ˈnɑləʤ ˈdɛfənətli əˈlaɪnz tu aʊr ˈprɑʤɛkt.


Pronounce this sentence to get the points

I like your voice

Be careful! If you mispronounce this sentence you might be telling something completely different!

Its phonetic transcription is:

aɪ laɪk jʊər vɔɪs


Read the following tongue twister with correct pronunciation to get the points

A very bold boy is a backup vocalist for the Beatles

Great job!

The phonetic transcription for this tongue twister is:

ə ˈvɛri boʊld bɔɪ ɪz ə ˈbæˌkʌp ˈvoʊkəlɪst fɔr ðə ˈbitəlz


Read the following tongue twister with correct pronunciation to get the points

I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

aɪ θɔt ə θɔt. bʌt ðə θɔt aɪ θɔt ˈwɑzənt ðə θɔt aɪ θɔt aɪ θɔt.


Read the sentence with correct pronunciation and get the points!

I loved the cookies your Grandma baked.

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

aɪ lʌvd ðə ˈkʊkiz jɔr ˈɡræmɑ beɪkt.


Read the sentence with correct pronunciation and get the points!

I left the kids at school, we were late so I almost ran a stop sign. 

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

aɪ lɛft ðə kɪdz æt skul, wi wɜr leɪt soʊ aɪ ˈɔlˌmoʊst ræn ə stɑp saɪn.


Read the sentence with good pronunciation to get the points

Pass me a paper sheet!

Be careful! if you mispronounce this you may be getting some toilet paper instead of what you asked for

pæs mi ə ˈpeɪpər ʃit


Read the tongue twister with good pronunciation to get the points

Vivid, violet-colored blueberries balance on brilliant beams

Great job! 

The phonetic transcription for this tongue twister is:

ˈvɪvɪd, ˈvaɪəlɪt-ˈkʌlərd ˈbluˌbɛriz ˈbæləns ɑn ˈbrɪljənt bimz


Read the following tongue twister with correct pronunciation to get the points

Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.


Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

ˈθɜrdi-θri ˈθaʊzənd ˈpipəl θɪŋk ðæt ˈθɜrzˌdeɪ ɪz ðɛr ˈθɜrtiəθ ˈbɜrθˌdeɪ.


Read the sentence with correct pronunciation and get the points!

I watered the plants as you asked, but it died anyway 😢.

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

aɪ ˈwɔtərd ðə plænts æz ju æskt, bʌt ɪt daɪd ˈɛniˌweɪ


Read the tongue twister with correct pronunciation and get the points!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is

haʊ mʌʧ wʊd wʊd ə ˈwʊdˌʧʌk ʧʌk ɪf ə ˈwʊdˌʧʌk kʊd ʧʌk wʊd?


For this one we need two participants! Read the dialogue with good pronunciation and get the points

Speaker 1: Can you help me with this?

Speaker 2: Sorry, can't

Be extremely careful with this one. if you mispronounce this one you could be insulting the other person very hard.

Speaker 1: kæn ju hɛlp mi wɪð ðɪs? 

Speaker 2: ˈsɑri, kænt 


This is a difficult tongue twister so you'll have two tries on this one to get the points!

Bobby Vincent Barnes bought a violet colored van

Then Bobby's brother Sam bought a silver colored tram

Then Bobby bought the tram from his baby brother Sam

And Bobby Vincent Barnes became A very happy van tram man

Great Job!

these are the phonetic transcriptions for each line

ˈbɑbi ˈvɪnsənt bɑrnz bɔt ə ˈvaɪəlɪt ˈkʌlərd væn

ðɛn ˈbɑbiz ˈbrʌðər sæm bɔt ə ˈsɪlvər ˈkʌlərd træm

ðɛn ˈbɑbi bɔt ðə træm frʌm hɪz ˈbeɪbi ˈbrʌðər sæm

ænd ˈbɑbi ˈvɪnsənt bɑrnz bɪˈkeɪm ə ˈvɛri ˈhæpi væn træm mæn


This is a difficult tongue twister, so you'll have two tries on this one. Read the following tongue twister with correct pronunciation to get the points

Whether the weather is fine or whether the weather is not. Whether the weather is cold or whether the weather is hot. We’ll weather the weather whether we like it or not.

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription is:

ˈwɛðər ðə ˈwɛðər ɪz faɪn ɔr ˈwɛðər ðə ˈwɛðər ɪz nɑt. ˈwɛðər ðə ˈwɛðər ɪz koʊld ɔr ˈwɛðər ðə ˈwɛðər ɪz hɑt. wil ˈwɛðər ðə ˈwɛðər ˈwɛðər wi laɪk ɪt ɔr nɑt.


Take a look at these verbs. Choose some of them to create a very short story, be careful with the pronunciation. 

arrived --- asked --- created --- enjoyed --- laughed --- painted --- travelled --- walked.

You have 30 seconds to choose some words and think of the story.

Great Job!

Its phonetic transcription for each word is

əˈraɪvd --- æskt --- kriˈeɪtəd --- ɛnˈʤɔɪd --- læft --- ˈpeɪntəd --- ˈtrævəld --- wɔkt


Most people struggle with this one, you got 3 tries to get the points!

Great Job! That was difficult!

Its phonetic transcription is:

ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ɪz wɪrd. ɪt kæn bi ˌʌndərˈstʊd θru tʌf, ˈθɔroʊ θɔt, ðoʊ.