An instrument used to measure altitude (height above sea level).
What is an altimeter?
In the sentence: “Maria found her keys," this word is the antecedent of her.
What is "Maria"?
The case of "he" in the following sentence: He was a U.S. President for 8 years.
What is nominative?
Instrument to measure temperature
What is a thermometer?
The pronoun classification of "what" in: "What made that loud noise?"
What is interrogative?
The measurement of the size, shape, and physical characteristics of the human body.
What is anthropometry?
In the sentence, “The dog chased its tail,” this word is the antecedent of its.
What is "dog"?
The pronoun in the objective case: “They saw us at the park” or “We saw them at the park”?
What is "us"?
1/100th of a meter
What is a centimeter?
The pronoun of classification of "this" in: "The librarian recommends this."
What is demonstrative?
In writing, this is the appeal to emotions to persuade an audience.
What is pathos?
In the sentence, “The students handed in their homework,” this word is the antecedent of their.
What is "students"?
The case of "us" in the following sentence: Kepler gave us three laws on planets.
What is objective?
A false name used by an author or artist instead of their real name.
What is a pseudonym?
The pronoun classification of "most" in: "Most of the sugar was used in the cookies."
What is indefinite?
A large mammal with thick skin, such as an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
What is a pachyderm?
In the sentence, “Max couldn’t find his pencil,” this word is the antecedent of his.
What is "Max"?
The case AND usage of "she" in the following sentence: "The soloists are Joe and she."
What is nominative, predicate nominative?
A list of books, articles, or other sources cited in a research paper.
What is a bibliography?
The pronoun classification of "that" in "There’s that dog that won best in show."
What is relative?
A geometric figure with many straight sides, such as a triangle, square, or pentagon.
What is a polygon?
In the sentence, “Sarah told Lily that she had a surprise,” this word is the antecedent of she.
What is "Sarah"?
The case AND usage of "him" in the following sentence: "Annie Mae doesn’t remember him."
What is objective, direct object?
The inability to recognize and identify objects or people despite having normal sensory function.
What is agnosia?
The pronoun classification of "himself" in "Jose himself coached the team to victory."
What is intensive?