Subject & Object Pronouns
Pronouns & Antecedents
Possessive Pronouns
Indefinite & Reflexive Pronouns
Fix it up!
What type of pronoun is the capitalized pronoun in this sentence?: I enjoy reading books.
What is subject pronoun?
Tell what the pronoun AND the antecedent is this sentence: Sam is sad because he got an F on his math quiz.
What is Sam is the antecedent and he is the pronoun?
Choose the possessive pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: Boyscouts use their/theirs skills for camping the the woods.
What is their?
Identify the pronoun in the sentence then tell if it's indefinite/reflexive and singular/plural: Someone is this class likes to paint.
What is someone, indefinite, & singular?
How can you improve this sentence using pronouns? Because Arizona is a desert, Arizona's climate is hot and dry.
What is replace "Arizona's" with "its"?
What type of pronoun is the capitalized pronoun in this sentence?: Can you get the bag from the car for ME?
What is object pronoun?
Tell what the pronoun AND the antecedent is this sentence: Because Maria likes to sing, she competed in a talent show last week.
What is Maria is the antecedent and she is the pronoun?
Choose the possessive pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: Don't have theirs/your party at a park since it might rain,
What is your?
Identify the pronoun in the sentence then tell if it's indefinite/reflexive and singular/plural: Have several of you read this book?
What is several, indefinite, & plural?
How can you improve this sentence using pronouns? Many wants to go to recess.
What is replace "many" with "everybody"?
What type of pronoun is the capitalized pronoun in this sentence?: HE and Mike went to the park with us.
What is subject pronoun?
Tell what the pronoun AND the antecedent is this sentence: Joe and Dan decided that they would hang out on Saturday night.
What is Joe and Dan is the antecedent and they is the pronoun?
Choose the possessive pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: Johnny found a book, so it must be its/his.
What is his?
Identify the pronoun in the sentence then tell if it's indefinite/reflexive and singular/plural: Michelle bought herself a new pair of shoes.
What is herself, reflexive, & singular?
How can you improve this sentence using pronouns? Muscles need exercise to give it proper tone.
What is replace "it" with "them"?
What type of pronoun is the capitalized pronoun in this sentence?: Alicia and WE can go to the movies tonight!
What is subject pronoun?
Tell what the pronoun AND the antecedent is this sentence: Mrs.Perdomo loves tea, so she brings some everyday.
What is Mrs.Perdomo is the antecedent and she in the pronoun?
Choose the possessive pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: The backpack with the keychain on the zipper is my/mine.
What is mine?
Identify the pronoun in the sentence then tell if it's indefinite/reflexive and singular/plural: The principal introduced himself to the school.
What is himself, reflexive, & singular.
How can you improve this sentence using pronouns? Jan and me want to go on a picnic today.
What is replace "me" with "I"?
What type of pronoun is the capitalized pronoun in this sentence?: Can you make it for US?
What is object pronoun?
Tell what the pronoun AND the antecedent is this sentence: Joshua uses a ruler to draw line because it helps him make them straight.
What is Joshua is the antecedent and him is the pronoun?
Choose the possessive pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: The dog had a thorn stuck in it's/its paw.
What is its?
Identify the pronoun in the sentence then tell if it's indefinite/reflexive and singular/plural: Few like to do homework.
What is few, indefinite, & plural?
How can you improve this sentence using pronouns? Mrs. Perdomo wants the other class to come with her and I.
What is replace "I" with "me"?