Find the Pronouns
Types of Pronouns
Greek & Latin Roots
Similes & Metaphors

Name the pronouns in this sentence: The ferocious lion ate my lunch before eating me.

What is my and me.


Identify the pronoun in the sentence and which type it is: The cat wants to be an astronaut when it grows up.

What is "it", a personal pronoun.


Identify the pronoun in the sentence and which type it is: Her arms felt like rubber after being in the cold.

What is her, a possessive pronoun.


What does the root "port" mean?

What is "carry".


Identify the type of figurative language used in the following sentence: Her face was like a light.

What is a simile.


Identify all pronouns in this sentence: They all sang Happy Birthday to him while he laughed and smiled.

What are they, him, and he.


Identify the pronoun in the sentence and which type it is: Don't beat yourself up about not winning the game.

What is "yourself", a reflexive pronoun.


Does the following sentence contain an example of a simile or metaphor: Back he spurred like a madman.

What is a simile.


What is the root that means "water"?

What is hydr.


Identify the type of figurative language used in the following sentence: When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas, a highwayman comes riding up to the old inn door.

What is a metaphor.


Find all the pronouns in the following sentence: Would you please give me that pencil and those papers that are on the table?

What is you, me, that, and those.


Identify the pronoun in the sentence and which type it is: Grab its collar quickly before the dog runs away!

What is "its", a possessive pronoun.


Define the word teleport.

What is to transport or be transported across space and distance instantly.


Define hydroplane.

What is to slide uncontrollably on the wet surface of a road.


Give an example of a metaphor that includes the word pungent.

[correctness of answer determined by teacher]


Find all the pronouns in the sentence: We shall finally have what is rightfully ours once she gives us her secret recipe.

What are we, what, ours, she, us, and her.


Identify the pronoun in the sentence and which type it is: There isn't anyone available to talk with Mr. Rochester about the debt incurred when the house caught fire and burned to the ground.

What is "anyone", an indefinite pronoun.


Identify all pronouns in the following sentence: He didn't inherit his Grandma's eyes but that sense of humor is clearly from her.

What is he, his, that, her.


Name three words that use the root "port"

[Correctness of answer determined by teacher.]


Give an example of a simile that includes the word hullabaloo.

[correctness of answer determined by teacher]


Find all the pronouns in the sentence: We haven't had your children over ourselves, but others have told us that they are poorly behaved so we cannot babysit them for you.

What are we, your, ourselves, others, us, they, we, them, you.


Identify the pronoun in the sentence and which type it is: Mr. Stevens must take the eggs and go back to the chicken coop to ensure that those chickens make a new batch of more appetizing eggs.

What is "those", a demonstrative pronoun.


Identify each pronoun in the sentence AND which type it is: Their house, which has two storeys, is designed by that architect you like.

What is...
their - posessive
which - interrogative
that - demonstrative
you - personal


Name five words that use the root "hydr".

[Correctness of answer determined by teacher.]


Give an example of a metaphor and a simile using the word hydraulic.

[Correctness of answer determined by teacher]