Rules of the Napkin
During the Meal
General Etiquette

Once you use your knife, where should it be placed?

On the edge of a plate or saucer, NOT directly back on the table


When should you place your napkin in your lap?

As soon as you sit down at the dining table. 


What is the proper way to eat bread or rolls?

Break into small bites and butter each just before eating. 


True or False - If asked a question by your host while eating, you should answer immediately

False, you should finish chewing and swallow your food before speaking. 


If there are multiple utensils next to your plate, which do you use first

You should always work from the outside in.


If you excuse yourself from the table for a moment, where do you place your napkin?

On your chair. 


What should you do if someone asks you to pass the salt?

Always pass the salt & pepper together, even if both are not requested. 


If in doubt of proper etiquette at some point during a meal, what should you do?

Follow the lead of the host


If you do not care for something, you just put in your mouth, what do you do?

Remove it the same way it went in, on your fork/spoon; then discreetly discard it at the edge of your plate. 


True or False - It is OK to dip your napkin in your water glass and dab at a spot on your clothing. 

False, if you spill something on your clothing, excuse yourself to the restroom. 


True or False - It is OK to cut meat into small bites at the start of a meal. 

False, meat should only be cut 1 or 2 pieces at a time. 


How should you properly ask for something to be passed from the other end of the table?

Would you please pass the _____? Thank you!


Where should your utensils be placed when you have finished your meal?

All utensils should be placed beside each other, diagonally across the center of your plate. 


Once finished with dinner, where should your napkin be placed?

Placed loosely on the table next to your plate


What is the proper way to get the last of the soup out of your bowl?

Tilt the bowl away from you to get the last of it with a spoon.  DO NOT slurp from the bowl or soak it up with bread!


When dining with a large group, when is it acceptable to begin eating?

When 3 or 4 people near you have been served, or when you host gives permission. 


There are two forks beside your plate, what is each called?

The first, smaller fork is the salad fork.  The inside, larger fork is the dinner fork.


True or False - Gently blotting your mouth is the proper way to use a napkin during a meal. 



When a lady approaches or leaves the table, what should gentlemen do?

Gentlemen should stand unless the lady gives them permission to remain seated. 


Your mother always said, "Elbows off the table," so what about your wrists?

It is acceptable to rest your wrists on the edge of the table.