Strength Abilities
Temperature Adjacent
The Chemistry Is Unbearable!
Mixed Bag
Look What I Can Do!

As a bungee cord, I'm an excellent exemplar of this property.  Stretch your mind and figure it out!

What is elasticity?


Add the pasta now!  The water's boiling!  The temperature of the water at this point.

What is 100 degrees Celsius?


What is 212 degrees Fahrenheit?


"Who left the hedge trimmers outside?  They're rusted!"

This reaction occurs when metal elements combine with components of the air, as with rust and silver tarnish.

What is oxidation?


What is corrosion?


Density, color, and malleability fall into this category of properties (Hint: they aren't chemical!)

What are physical properties?


"Watch out, you almost stepped on your glasses!"  Glass exhibits a high degree of which property?

What is brittleness?

You haven't got much of this strength if you can be crushed like a marshmallow.

What is compressive strength?


Daily Double!

You just can't get any colder than this temperature.

What is absolute zero?


What is zero kelvins?


"Put the arsenic-laced rat poison down now!"

A property that describes whether a substance reacts with the body in harmful ways.

What is toxicity?


Did you hear that solid carbon dioxide is transitioning to a gas?  This phase transition has a name.

What is sublimation?


"Yes, let us use copper to move those electrons from here to there."  (Hint: Cu has a greater value of this property than Al.)

What is electrical conductivity?


I accidentally scratched grandma's glass table with my mom's diamond ring!  Which property of diamonds made this possible?

What is hardness?


It's 100 degrees Celsius for water, -196 degrees Celsius for nitrogen.  What's the point?

What is the boiling point?


"How long has that cough medicine been hiding in the back of the cabinet?"

This property describes the extent to which a substance degrades over time and in various conditions.

What is chemical stability?


Run an electrical current through neon gas and watch the ions glow!  Neon's state of matter in this condition.

What is a plasma?


Molten glass can be drawn into fiber cable, owing to this property.

What is ductility?


The cables on the Fred Hartmann bridge can withstand incredible loads without breaking, owing to this strength ability.

What is tensile strength?


The melting point of water, the freezing point of water... same thing!  But what is it?  (Hint: There are numbers involved here.)

What is zero degrees Celsius?


What is 32 degrees Fahrenheit?


"Light the stove, we're cookin' with gas!"

The reaction of a fuel with oxygen, producing heat and flame.

What is combustion?


Daily Double!

Can you imagine the force divided by area under an elephant's foot?  What's the word for this quantity?

What is pressure?


It's freezing in the tent but I'm toasty under the goose-down comforter, owing to goose-down's poor value of this property.

What is thermal conductivity?


"Like a hot knife through butter" is an expression that describes butter's low value of which strength ability?

What is shear strength?


Solid gold transitions to liquid gold at 1,064 degrees Celsius.  So, what is the point?

What is the melting point?


Fireworks.  Nuff said.

A type of fire that occurs when all the fuel reacts at the same time.  These can produce destructive shock waves.

What is an explosion?


Why is the birdbath empty?  I filled it yesterday!  It's hot outside, but it's not boiling!  What happened here?

What is evaporation?


You can hammer silver into shapes but good luck hammering graphite.  Silver is a good exemplar of this property.

What is malleability?