Particle Models
Molecules and Ions
Transformation Processes

What are Ions?

Ans: Ions are atoms that have lost or gained an electron. 


The particle model of a sponge consists of particles packed tightly together. Are the particles the nearest they could be to each other? 

Ans: No, the particles can be even tighter in harder materials like wood, metal, iron, plastic, etc.


What are the differences between a molecule and an ion? 

Ans: A molecule are two atoms oof ions that have bonded together, and an ion is an atom that has gained or lost electrons and is positively or negatively charged.


What are atoms made up of and what are the types of charges of the same?

Ans: An atom is made up of protons, electrons and neutrons. protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged, and neutrons are neutral.


If you can form a solid out of gas using two, one or no processes of the same substance, what is the substance likely to be? 

Ans: Water. 


How are covalent bonds form, and do does process include Ions?

Ans: A covalent bonding is when two atoms try to take away electrons, but have equal force. This leads to the electrons sharing each other's orbits, this is called covalent bonding. No ions are included in this process.


If you can turn a substance into plasma, what state is it likely to be in?

Ans: Gas. Plasma is formed when extremely extensive heat is given to a certain gaseous substance. It has so much energy that the electrons will separate from their orbits around the nucleus, forming a mixture of electrons, neutrally charged particles and positively and negatively charged ions (an atom or molecule with a positive or negative electric charge) which is called plasma. 


Can more than two ions bond with a hydrogen atom.

Ans: No, there are not enough electrons to make that many bonds.


If protons, electrons and neutrons are connected to form atoms that produce electromagnetic waves, how are they bonded?

Ans: Electromagnetically


Name one household device which uses Plasma.

Ans: Plasma Television, Neon light, Fluorescent light.