Q: What are the two kinds of glaciers?
(200 points)
A: Valley and continental glaciers.
Q: What are the three states of matter found in glaciers?
(200 points)
A: Solids (snow and ice), liquids (water), and gases (water vapor)
Q: What is water as a gas called?
(100 points)
A: Water vapor.
Q: What does "definite" mean?
(100 points)
A: Specific, sure, certain, firm.
Q: Name one way glaciers help the environment.
(200 points)
A: They store fresh water and help regulate the planet’s temperature.
Q: What evidence do scientists use to identify past ice ages?
Q: Define "melting point."
(Double Bonus: 500 points)
A: The temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid.
Q: Describe what happens during condensation.
(200 points)
A: Water vapor cools and changes into liquid water.
Q: What is a "container"?
(200 points)
A: An object used to hold or transport something.
Q: What kind of valleys do glaciers form?
(100 points)
A: U-shaped valleys.
Q: What is an ice age?
Q: What is the boiling point of water in Celsius?
(100 points)
A: 100 degrees Celsius.
Q: Is changing the state of water a chemical or physical change?
(Double Bonus: 500 points)
A: A physical change
(300 points)
A: To bubble or simmer, like soup on the stove.
Q: What happens when glaciers melt?
(300 points)
A: Sea levels rise, and habitats for animals like polar bears are destroyed.
Q: How do glaciers respond to climate change?
(Triple Bonus: 600 points)
A: They grow larger or smaller based on climate changes.
Q: Name a state of matter made up of charged and uncharged atoms.
(300 points)
A: Plasma
Q: How does temperature cause water to change states?
(400 points)
A: Increasing temperature causes melting and boiling; decreasing temperature causes freezing and condensation.
Q: What does "solid" mean in terms of matter?
(400 points)
A: Hard, firm, or frozen.
Q: Why are glaciers important in reflecting sunlight?
(400 points)
A: Their white surface reflects sunlight, helping to cool the Earth.
Q: How old might the first ice age have been?
(400 points)
A: Around 2.7 billion years ago.
Q: At what temperature does water freeze?
(400 points)
A: 0 degrees Celsius.
Q: What happens to liquid water at 0 degrees Celsius?
(300 points)
A: It freezes into a solid.
Q: What does "evidence" mean?
(Triple Bonus: 600 points)
A: Proof or confirmation.
Q: What is a state of matter present in both solid ice and glaciers?
(Double Bonus: 500 points)
A: Solid.