This person uses real life experiences in his preaching and is unfaithful when married with Gomer.
Who is Hosea
Elijah’s major theme
What is Monotheism
Whos image is Marriage and Fidelity?
Who is Hosea
This person is a peasant who became one of the minor writing prophets.
Who is Amos
Isaiah’s major theme
What is Messianism
Who’s image is miracles and cloak
Who is Elisha
This person ploughed 12 yokes of oxen which is 24 oxen
Who is Elisha
Hoseas major theme
What is Monotheism.
Who’s image is the rich selling/not caring to the poor
Who is Amos
This person is from Tishbe and escapes Jezebel
Who is Elijah
Amos’s major theme
What is Social Justice
Who’s image is Widow of Zarephath, Mt. Carmel, and miracles.
Who is Elijah
This person is one of the major prophets and is an intellectual aristocrat.
Who is Isaiah
Elishas major theme
What is Social Justice
Who’s images is a Vineyard, Prophetic Call, and Virgin with Child
Who is Isaiah