For how long did Nuh preach?
950 years
What does Jahiliyah mean?
Between what two cities did Muhammad travel on the Night Journey?
Mecca and Jerusalem
When was the UDHR written?
What is social justice
Making society fair
How did Allah save Ishmael and Hajar?
Well of Zamzam
During the Jahiliyah people lived in...
Which lead to...
When was Muhammad's heart cleansed?
Before the night journey
What religious idea supports human rights?
Mankind was created in the image of God
What is name blind recruitment?
Hiring people without knowing their name
What did Ibrahim do to fight off Iblis?
Threw stones at him
What is the word for killing the girl babies?
Female infanticide
What is the name of the winged horse?
Al Buraq
What does ECHR stand for?
European Court of Human Rights
WHat is right livelihood?
Part of the eightfold path - earning money without causing harm
Name three of the things Allah taught to Adam
How to farm, bury the dead, repent, pray; what is Halal and Haram; the names of things
Where did the night of power take place?
Cave of Hira
Which prophet encouraged Muhammad to try toreduce the number of prayers?
Musa / Moses
What are 3 of the the different parts of the right to religious freedom?
Right to belief
Right to worship
Right to religious expression
Freedom from discrimination
In 2019, it was noted that there were fewer FTSE 100 ethnic minority CEOs than there were FTSE 100 CEOs called...
What was Ibrahim's father called?
"The night of power is greater ...
... than 1000 months"
What animal saved Muhammad during the Hijrah?
Who did British airways tell to rmeove their cross necklace?
Nadia Eweida
What is the protestant work ethic?
The idea that wealth shows your hard work being rewarded by God