Against what city does Nahum prophecy?
Which suffering servant prophecy most closely describes Jesus' passion and death?
Is 52-53
Who is said to be king when Daniel is thrown in the Lion's den the first time?
Darius (Dan 6)
1 Mac 2.3
Simon called Thassi
How many verses in Obadiah?
Who does Zephaniah say is the king in Israel?
The Lord (Zeph 3.15)
Who is Malachi foretelling at the end of his prophecy?
John the Baptist
Who was taken to feed Daniel in the Lion's den?
Habakkuk (Dan 14)
Proverbs 28.1
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.
Who was the chief eunuch of King Nebuchadnezzar?
Ashpenaz (Dan 1.3)
What instruments are to be used for Habakkuk's psalm?
Where in Daniel do we find the Son of Man prophecy about Jesus?
Daniel 7.13-14
Who read Jeremiah's scroll to king Jehoiakim?
Baruch (Jer 36.8)
Deuteronomy 33.24
And of Asher he said: Most blessed of sons be Asher; may he be the favorite of his brothers, and may he dip his foot in oil.
Longest minor prophet book (by chapters)
Tie between Hosea and Zechariah (14)
Who does Joel prophecy will dream dreams?
Old men/people (Joel 2.28/3.1)
Where in Zechariah do we find the prophecy about Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem?
Zech 9.9
Who denounced/complained against Amos?
Amaziah (Amos 7.10-17)
Titus 2.15
Declare these things; exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one look down on you.
Where does Jeremiah buy a field?
Ananoth (Jer 32.7)
What does the Lord require of Micah?
From what chapter of Isaiah do we read for the 1st reading for Christmas Day?
Is 9, 52, or 62
Who is the king that threatens Jerusalem during Hezekiah's reign?
Sennacherib (Is 36)
Judith 13.8
Then she struck his neck twice with all her might, and cut off his head.
What is the dimension of the base of the altar?
1 cubit by 1 cubit