This person is one of the prophets of Hope and is unknown, his name means my messenger
Who is Malachi
Zechariah’s major theme
What is messianism?
Whose image is a riding a donkey into Jerusalem
Who is Zechariah
This person is a minor profit and and was swallowed by a large .
Who is Jonah?
Malachia major theme
What is messianism?
Whose Image is outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Who is joel
This person is one of the prophets of Hope and is post exilic
Who is Joel?
Joel major theme
What is messianism
Whose image is a sign of conversion?
Who is Jonah?
This person is one of the prophets of hope and works with Haggai
Who is Zechariah
Jonah’s major theme
What is Forgivness/Mercy of God
Who’s image is purification of faith
Who is Malachi