Teacher-student Relationships (TSR's)s
Emotionally Upbeat Classroom
Prosocial Classroom

This is the type of discipline where a teacher exerts power to control students.

Power Assertion


These are rewards that are used to externally control students and undermine the use of prosocial behavior.

Tangible Rewards


This is a deep enduring emotional bond between two people.



These are the two types of coping strategies.

Problem-focused and Emotion-focused


This is defined as any behavior that benefits others and promotes harmonious relationships.

Prosocial Behavior


This is the type of discipline where students are excluded or shamed as a way to control their behavior.

Psychological Control


This is a social reward that is a powerful motivational tool that can also help students form a positive identity.



These are the two types of attachment.

Secure and Insecure


This is the ability to read others' emotions and to regulate one's own emotions.

Emotional Competence 


These are the four pillars of the prosocial classroom.

Inductive Discipline, Praise, Teacher-Student Relationships, and The Emotionally Upbeat Classroom.


This is the type of discipline where students are trained to expect to receive a reward or punishment for specific behaviors in the same way Pavlov trained his dogs.



These are examples of social rewards. 

(Name at least 3)

Smile, Pat-on-the-Back, Fist Bump, High Five, Thumbs Up, Round of Applause, Wink, Approving Nod, Verbal Comment, etc.


These are the three dimensions of teacher-student relationships.

Closeness, Conflict, and Overdepencence.


These respond the same whether you do an action or you see someone else do the action. Aka Emotional Contagion. 

Mirror Neurons


These are examples of prosocial behaviors. 

(Name at least 3)

Standing up for others, “being there” to support others, helping/teaching others, complimenting/encouraging others, including others, physically helping others, making others smile/laugh, being a peacekeeper, sharing, looking out for others, keeping secrets, being honest, admitting mistakes / apologize, not bragging, good sportsmanship, etc.


These 3 types of discipline lead to students who do not learn to manage their own behavior because they are externally controlled.

Power Assertion, Psychological Control, and Conditioning (both classical and operant). 


These are ok when used in moderation, and are given unexpectedly.

Tangible Rewards


These help students to be more engaged and motivated to work, have a better ability to work independently, be more in control of their behavior and emotions, and be better able to handle stress and anxiety.

Positive Teacher-Student Relationships


This is an emotion-focused coping strategy that involves changing the way you think about an emotionally charged situation. 



Focusing on improving this kind of behavior instead of eliminating unwanted behavior helps to improve student behavior, create kinder students, increase students' ability to work with others, and improve the learning environment.

Prosocial Behavior


This type of discipline uses reasonable explanations to help students understand how to behave.

Inductive Discipline


This is when external control (reward or punishment) is obvious and emphasized so students attribute their behavior to the external control and not their own intrinsic motivations.

Overjustification Effect


These students benefit the most from strong relationships with teachers but are often the ones who resist the most.

Students with low self-control, students with insecure attachments, students with high anxiety & stress, etc.


These are strategies to help students become more emotionally competent (name at least 3).

Develop positive relationships, use effective discipline, respond constructively to students' emotions, express your emotions, talk about emotions, teach emotional coping strategies, modeling, etc.


Students who are more prosocial fare better in these ways. (Name at least 3)

Better able to cope effectively with stress; are happier, and more satisfied with life; have better self-esteem; have healthier, longer-term relationships; are more liked by their teachers and peers; are more engaged in class; have greater academic achievement, and obtain more education; have secure, stable, full-time employment; are healthier with lower blood pressure and fewer cardiovascular disease events, and experience less depression.