How many years has Prospect Academy been open to students?
3 school years
What grades do we serve at Prospect Academy?
4th - 8th grade
What is the name of our principal and founder at PA?
Mia Coffing
How many classrooms do we have at PA?
How many periods do we have during a regular school day?
6 periods (plus Homeroom)
What are Prospect Academy's school colors?
Green and Blue
Name 5 elective classes that are currently available to students.
Minecraft, Art, Crafts, Roblox, Chess, and DnD
How many staff are currently employed at PA?
What do we call our Homeroom class at PA?
Penguin Huddle
What sporting event did students attend last May on a field trip?
A Rockies baseball game
In which room do students eat lunch this semester?
Mr. Hunter's Room or Room 30
On what day of the week do teachers sometimes have to come in for work when students are at home?
What is the address for Prospect Academy? Include street address, city, state, and zip.
5592 Independence St
Arvada, CO 80002
What is the name of the park where students go for Fun Friday and other field trips?
Ralston Central Park
How many students are currently enrolled at PA?
Which 6 staff members have been at PA since the inaugural year? Bonus 100 points if you can name the current staff member that started with us as a sub year 1.
Mrs. Coffing, Mr. Ferry, Ms. Tackett, Ms. Hankal, Ms. Hernandez, and Mrs. Beemer. Bonus: Kelly Thompson
What is the name of the church that occupies the top floor of our building?
Bonus 100: Can you name the pastor?
The Local Church
Bonus: Pastor Justin
What are the 7 types of penguins that make up the Homeroom Houses at PA?
Emperor, Adelie, Humboldt, Galapagos, Rockhopper, Macaroni, and Fairy