The building blocks of
Rich in calcium and B12
Cottage Cheese
Sparks new
Brain connections
Low intake can disrupt neurotransmitter production, potentially leading to
Mood swings
Protein damages your kidneys
MYTH -Protein can only damage the health of those with pre-existing kidney conditions
Essential for
Loaded with fiber and iron
Helps move these organs
Low intake can impair cognitive function, making it difficult to (blank) and (blank)
Focus and Learn (Concentrate)
Protein shakes will make you bulky
MYTH -Protein shakes alone will not make you bulky. Resistance training (weight lifting, etc.) are required for gaining muscle.
Maintaining healthy
hair, skin, and nails
Sourced from cows
Lean beef
Relating to neurohealth; Regulates
Thoughts and Feelings
Deficiency can impact ability to form and retrieve
Whey protein causes hair loss
MYTH -Protein is important for hair growth, however, some proteins containing creatine can lead to hair loss in men
Boosting the
Immune system
Sources from soy
Lowers risk of developing this neurological disorder
Deficiency can cause behavioral abnormalities such as;
Agitation and Hyper activeness
Animal protein is better than plant protein
MYTH -Plant proteins are rich in fiber and other nutrients that animal sources lack. Eating a wide variety of both plant and animal sources is an ideal way to optimize your intake.
Sustains a normal
digestive system
Sourced from nuts
nut butter (Peanut butter)
Amino acids are significant in regulating (blank) when someone is hurt
Low intake leads to difficulty concentrating and other memory problems known as
Brain fog
Protein is only important for building muscle
MYTH -Protein is essential for everyone because it impacts so many functions of the body.