Catholic Issues
Protestant Issues
Lucky dip

THIS former lawyer wrote the 95 Theses and thus is credited with the start of the Protestant Reformation. 

Who was Martin Luther? 


In reaction to the Protestant Reformation, Catholics in Spain were focused on converting indigenous people in THIS GEOGRAPHIC AREA in order to have more Catholics (and less protestants) in the world. 

What are the Americas? 


THIS WORD means the language that is spoken by the majority of people in a region (like Italian, German, or Spanish). NOT LATIN. 

What is vernacular? 


THIS IDEA is the belief that all souls are deemed good or evil by God before a baby is born. Calvinists believed this. 

What is predestination? 


HE invented the Printing Press that was a catalyst for the Reformation. 

Who was Guttenberg? 


HE made Geneva Switzerland a reformed Christian republic. 

Who was John Calvin? 


The Council of Trent, the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and the revival of spirituality (as seen in some Baroque art) are all parts of THIS MAJOR EVENT.

What is the Catholic (Counter) Reformation? 


Martin Luther complained that the Catholic Church should not sell THESE PASSES OUT OF PURGATORY. 

What are indulgences? 

The belief that bread and wine in a Catholic mass is actually the blood and body of Christ is called THIS TERM. 

What is transubstantiation? 


The Society of Jesus is known by THIS TERM. It's also the affiliation of universities in the US like Loyola, Notre Dame and Fordham. It is the educational branch of the Catholic Church and a component of the Counter Reformation. 

What is Jesuit? 


HE started the English protestant church by this name so that he could get married again. 

Who was Henry VIII? 


After the French Wars of Religion, THIS PEACE AGREEMENT allowed Protestants to practice in some parts of France but with many restrictions. 

What was the Edict of Nantes? 


THIS WORD means selling a church office to to someone. 

What is simony? 


The Protestant IDEA that all people can talk directly to God. 

What is priesthood of all believers? 


This was an assembly meeting in the Holy Roman Empire that convened to determine how authorities should respond to Martin Luther's ideas. 

What was the Diet of Worms? 


This DUTCH CATHOLIC HUMANIST wrote In Praise of Folly, made an updated translation of the Latin Bible, and was a key thinker in the Catholic Counter Reformation. 

Who was Erasmus? 


After THIS agreement, princes in the Holy Roman Empire could determine the sect (Catholic or Protestant) of their realm. 

What is the Peace of Augsburg? 


THIS WORD means giving a church office (or any other position of power) to a family member. 

What is nepotism? 


The Protestant IDEA that if it's not in the Bible, then it's not Christian. 

What is primacy of scripture? 


Provide THREE CAUSES of the Protestant Reformation. 

Printing Press, Increased Literacy, Catholic Abuses, The Bible in Latin, etc


HE founded the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits as part of the Catholic Counter Reformation. 

Who was Ignatius Loyola? 


The Catholics in Rome celebrated after hundreds of Protestants were murdered at or around a wedding in this FRENCH EVENT.

What was the St Bartholomew's Day Massacre? 


This Catholic judicial institution punished people who opposed its beliefs in order to combat heresy. They targeted Jews, Muslims, and anyone opposing the monarchy and Catholic Church in an Iberian region. 

What is the Spanish Inquisition? 


When a priest is in charge of many parishs it's called ____________. That idea then leads to ______________. 

What are Pluralism and Absenteeism? 


Protestants who came to the Plymouth colony in New England and those who in Sarasota identify as Amish have THIS PROTESTANT SECT as an umbrella term. It also includes Quakers and Mennonites. 

Who are the Annabaptists?