I wrote the 95 theses.
Martin Luther
Renaissance means what?
What is the name of the religious group that eventually went against the Roman Catholic Church?
What piece of writing encouraged the protestant reformation
95 Theses
I discovered gravity
Isaac Newton
Why did Henry the 8th move away from the Roman Catholic Church
So he could divorce his wife and get remarried
This was a philosophy that preached human potential? Religion and reasoning
Why did people go to the catholic church for information?
They were able to read latin in books at that time. Most people were illiterate.
What invention allowed for the protestant reformation to spread throughout Europe?
Printing Press
How did the church react to Galileo's findings?
They tried to charge him with heresy but put him on house arrest instead.
How did Thomas Aquinas have a lasting impact on the Catholic Church in the 13th century?
Developed Humanism
What is the difference between renaissance and medieval art?
3 dimensional, depth, perspective, realistic
Forgiveness for sin that was sold by the Catholic Church
What were indulgences?
I am known as the father of the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
Who invented the Scientific method
Sir Frances Bacon
Which country is often credited as the birthplace of the Renaissance?
Who lead the Catholic Counter-Reformation?
St. Ignatius founder of the Jesuits
what religious branch of Christianity came out of the protestant reformation?
Who discovered the geocentric theory?
Who discovered the heliocentric theory?
Geo- Aristotle
Helio- Nicolaus Copernicus
I developed the Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg
How did the Medici family influence the European Renaissance?
The Medici family sponsored many artists.
What two groups were created to reform the Catholic Church
The Council of Trent and the Jesuits
Why did England win when the Spanish Armada attacked?
More fire power (weapons) and better ships.
What did Edward Jenner discover