What is a protist?
What are cilia, flagella, and pseudopods?
How fungi are classified
What is spore production?
decomposes dead plant and animal material
What is a saprophyte
What are lichens?
What characteristic to all protists have?
Sweeps food into its oral groove
What is a paramecium?
Spore producing structure of fungus
What is the fruiting body?
when hyphae from two fungi encounter each other
What is sexual reproducation?
Protist that causes red tides
What are dinoflagellates?
Named for hair-like cillia
What is a ciliate?
Exchange of DNA through oral grooves
What is conjugation?
makes up fungal cell walls
What is chitin?
produces typical mushroom structure
What is club fungi?
protist that clumps together into large masses
What is a slime mold?
have many photosynthetic varities
What are plantlike protists?
This is true, a protist can be a consumer or producer
What is true?
includes black bread mold
What is zygote fungi?
produces spores in pot-like structures and often kills frogs
What is chytrid fungi?
secrete chemicals that dissolve stone
What are lichens?
all are parasites and many have insect hosts
What are microsporidians?
cytoplasm streaming into a bulge
What is ameboid movement?
Decomposes dead plant and animal material
What are saprophytes?
secretes digestive enzymes into its surroundings
How does a fungus obtain nutrition?
Producer protists
What are algae, diatoms, plankton, and euglenoids?