P.S. 128
Blue Whales
Parts of Speech

Who is the Principal of P.S. 128

The Principal of P.S. 128 is Mrs. Drzewucki.


Which habit tells us "Put first things first?"

Habit 3 tells us to put work first and play later


What does ENL stand for?

ENL means - English as a New Language 


Is Blue Whale a fish or a mammal? How do you know?

Blue whale is a mammal - it breathes air, is warm-blooded, and their babies drink their mother's milk, etc.


Which word is a noun in this sentence?

The backpack is blue.

A noun names a thing, place or a person - in this case, it's the BACKPACK.


Who is the Assistant Principal at P.S. 128?`

The Assistant Principal at P.S. 128 is Mrs. Perlman.


Which habit tells us to "think win-win?"

Habit 4 - tells us that everyone can win



NYSESLAT is the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test - or the ESL state test - it measures how much progress students make every year in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking


Where do Blue Whale live? 

Blue Whales live in the Oceans - i.e. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic. 


Which word is an adjective in this sentence?

(an adjective describes the noun)

The backpack is blue and heavy.

The words that describe the noun (backpack) are: BLUE, HEAVY.


What is the full name of our school? 

The Bensonhurst School


Which habit tells us to "be proactive?"

Habit 1 tells us that we are in charge of our own behavior and the decisions we make


When can a student graduate from ENL?

Student can graduate from ENL when they pass the NYSESLAT or achieve proficiency in English, which is close to native proficiency in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening


Approximately how much weight does a baby Blue Whale gain every day?

A typical baby Blue Whale gains about 200 pounds per day.


Which word is a CONJUNCTION in this sentence?

(a conjunction connects words or phrases)

The backpack is blue and heavy.

AND is the conjunction that connects two words describing the backpack - blue AND heavy


How many days do we attend school in all? 

The academic year is about 180 days long.


Which habit tells us to "Begin with the end in mind?"

Habit 2 tells us that it's important to always have a plan.


Approximately how many ENL students do we have at P.S. 128?

We have approximately 200 current ENL students and about 40 former Ells (students, who graduated from ENL)


What are the two types of living things that Blue Whales eat?

Blue Whales eat krill and plankton.


Which word is a verb in this sentence?

(a verb is an action word - it shows action)

Ms. K tripped over a blue and heavy backpack.

TRIPPED is the verb in this sentence - it shows action in the sentence.


What is the first day of school in September 2019?

September 5th will be the first day of 2019-2020 academic year. 


Which habit tells us to "Seek first to understand, then to be understood?"

Habit 5 - tells us to listen first and understand what is said before responding


How many ENL teachers do we have in our school? How many langauges do they speak all together?

We currently have 4 ENL teachers in our school and they speak four langauges all together.

(Spanish, Russian, Polish, and English)


What is the 'name' for a baby Blue Whale?

A baby Blue Whale is called a C-A-L-F  (just like a baby cow and baby elephant).


Find the noun, verb, adjective and conjunction in this sentence.

A Blue Whale swims quickly and quietly in the ocean.

noun:  who/what/where? - Blue Whale, ocean

verb: what is it doing? - swims

adjective: how? - quickly, quietly

conjunction: and